Martinus// Hate

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"Oh, you're gonna regret it!" Kara, your bestfriend, yelled, laughing.
You giggled and hid behind a column. You made a huge snowball that you were going to use against your best friend.
Kara jumped out.
"Aha, I've got y-" her smile disappeared when she saw your snowball and you just stood there smiling and proud of yourself "oh no,"
The next thing you knew, you were running behind her, trying to catch her so you could throw your snowball. Laugh filled the air.
Your best friend hid behind a wall, but the other second another figure showed up from the same direction, you threw the snowball at it without even thinking.
Then you realized it wasn't Kara.
Even worse, it was Martinus.
You hated this boy. But, well, you didn't regret throwing it at him. You burst out laughing and fell on the floor, holding your belly. You could hear Kara laughing as well.
Then you felt coldness wash over your face. You stopped laughing and looked up.
Martinus threw a snowball at you, grinning widely.
You stood up, brushing off the snow off your face.
"You're going to get it back, Gunnarsen!" You warned him.
He started running, so you just ran after him, holding two snowballs, each in both hands.
Damn, why does he have to play football. So freaking fast.
Then you decided that you should run the other way so he wouldn't expect you.
You started to turn to the left side.
When you almost bumped into each other, you grabbed Martinus's hoodie and put the snow in it. You both stopped running and you could see how he scrunched up his eyebrows.
He looks kinda cute... wait, what? Noo.
You started laughing with your evil laugh.
"Y/n!" he yelled. Martinus didn't look angry, he said it more playfully.
"Sorry not sorry," you couldn't stop laughing.
"Well, maybe you're not as boring and as terrible as I thought," Martinus said.
"You're not so bad yourself," you chuckled.
"Do you... have any free time? Cause I'm actually really bored and I just thought, maybe you want to hang out or something?" he asked going back.
Maybe he's not so bad after all... Should I go out with him? Screw this, I have loads of free time and nothing to do.
"Yeah, we could go out somewhere. I'm bored as well," you said after a while.
"Alright. Well, where should we go then?" he asked.
"Ugh... Starbucks?" you offered.
"I was hoping you'd say this," he smiled and you chuckled.
"Y/bff/n, we're going to Starbucks. Wanna come with us?" you asked when you came back.
Your best friend looked at you, as if asking, don't you hate him? You just rolled your eyes and smiled.
"I would like to, but I can't. Have to go now," she said.
"Oh, okay. See you later then. Love ya," you said, hugging her.
"Bye, love ya too,"
"Okay, let's go," Martinus said.
You talked for hours with Martinus. Turned out he wasn't bad at all, might be the nicest guy you've ever met and he's... kinda cute.
"Um, that's weird, but literally this morning I..." you started, but didn't want to finish it because this sounded dumb now.
"Hated you," Martinus finished your sentence "yeah, I hated you too. I don't even know why. You're actually... really funny and nice. I gues it's because someone else hated us and we just did the same as others..."
You were a little shocked. He was so mature.
"Wow, you're even smart," you laughed "yeah, I guess. I had a nice time with you,"
"Me too. But I have to go now. I hope I'll see you later," he said.
You were a little sad he had to go. Then you thinked up something.
"Oh... let me just buy you one cookie," you said.
"No, it's okay, don't do it. I-" Martinus resisted.
"I want to. And I'm not going to bed you to buy you a cookie," you said.
He chuckled.
"Well, if you really want to..." he said.
You went to buy a cookie.
"Uh and could you add something in the bag?" you asked the cashier.
"Sure. What is it?" she asked.
"Just a second," you took a napkin and wrote your number on it "here it is,"
The cashier smirked, put the napkin in the bag and handed you your order.
"Here," you gave it to Martinus when you came back to him "but it eat when you get home,"
"Okay... Thanks, Y/n. I guess we're going to meet later," he said and opened his arm.
You tilted your head and he raised up his eyebrows.
"Come on, give me a hug. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy my company," he smiled.
You smiled back and hugged him tightly.
"Alright. Bye, see you," you said and pulled out.
"Bye," he said and walked away.
You didn't hate him anymore.
Maybe you even... liked him.

- later that night -

Your phone buzzed. You got a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey, I found your number in the bag. Is that you, Y/n?
It was Martinus.
You: Hi, yeah it's me:)
You changed his name.
Martinus😊: Great. I'm glad I found your number and thanks for the cookie, though.
You: No problem, it was really fun with you.
Martinus😊: Look, Y/n... I don't know what came over me, but I want to meet you so badly... now.
You: Really..? Same, I couldn't stop thinking about you.
Martinus😊: Lets meet tonight in the park.
You: Sounds good. Going already.
Martinus😊: Kay, I'm going as well. C u🙂
You: C u 2🙃

- 10 minutes later -

You were waiting for Martinus in the park.
A couple minutes later, you could see a figure getting closer to you. You could tell it was him because of his hair flying around and the contour of his hoodie that he wore today.
"Hi, Tinus," you said when you could see his face.
But he didn't say anything back. He just kept going.
And going.
And when there was a feet aparst, he still didn't stop. He just grabbed your face and kissed you. You would think it would be forceful, but the kiss was very sweet and light. You were really shocked, but you just understood that you fell in love with this boy. So you just stood there and kissed him back.
Martinus slowly pulled away and opened his eyes, catching his breath.
"I... I'm sorry, Y/n... I couldn't resist. I just understood that I started to grow feelings for you. But I didn't expect them to grow so much in a single day. I can't... live without you. I'm sorry. I should probably go..." he said.
"Don't. Please. And don't apologize because I think... I feel the same as you. I really like you. But let's just take things a little slower. I want to get to know you more," you said.
Martinus smiled.
"You're amazing. And you're right, we need to take things slower," he said.
You smiled back, grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers.
"Let's take a walk?" You offered.
"Sure," he said his smile never disappearing.

Hola, mi amigos:D
Soo, what do you think?
I would have a little more time and would write more imagines, but I can't because I'm out of my country and we're always going somewhere... but I will always try to upload as soon as I can:)
And damn, that photo...

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