Marcus// Truth or Dare

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You and your friends were in a park, playing Truth or Dare.
"Emily, your turn. Truth or dare?" Your friend, Harry said.
"Dare," she answered in a second.
"Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning," he said, smiling.
You could tell she was mentally face palming herself.
Emily stood up, slowly and went near the street, following by her friends to make sure she does the dare.
She held up her hand, stopping a car. The car stopped and the driver opened the window. The girls that came with her were trying to hide their laughs.
"Ugh, sir... your car's wheels are turning," you could hear her distant voice.
The driver gave her the "are you freaking dumb?" look and drove away, meanwhile everyone else errupted with laugh.
Then she came back.
"That was so embarrassing. You'e going to pay for this, Harry," Emily said.
"We'll see. Choose someone else now," Harry  said.
"Okay, um... Marcus, Truth or Dare?"
It took a few seconds for him to think.
"Dare," he answered.
"Okay..." she said and looked around, thinking what dare he should do.
Your best friend, Anna whispered something to her ear. Emily looked at her with wide eyes. A second later, she smiled evily.
You knew it was nothing good.
"I dare you to kiss Y/n," Emily said.
Everyone went silent.
Anna knew you had a huge crush on him, but you never dared to ask him out or tell him what you feel.
You gulped, still looking at her.
"No," Martinus answered "I'm not doing this,"
You looked at him. He was looking at the ground.
"Well, I guess that's the end of the game then," Emily said.
You heard a few 'boos'. Marcus stood up and walked away quickly.
You felt lost. You weren' angry, you were embarrassed.
Anna looked at you. She mouthed you to go after him.
You sighed and stood up, leaving, too.
You looked around the park, looking for Marcus.
"Marcus, where are you?" You yelled.
"Marcus!" You yelled out again. You looked around once more.
He was sitting under a tree.
You went to him and sat next to him, not too close, though. You didn't say anything for a while. You just sat with him.
It wasn't an awkward silence.
"I'm sorry," he spoke up after a while.
You looked at him.
"Marcus, what are you talking?" You asked.
"I'm sorry I didn't do this," he said, looking up at you.
You smiled faintly.
"Don't be. I understand. You choose who to kiss and who to like, after all," you said and chuckled.
"No, it's not that... Y/n, I actually like you," Marcus said, putting his hand over yours. You felt butterflies dancing in your belly "And I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you this. I thought you would never talk to me after this. I didn't kiss you there, because... I don't want it to be like this. I don't even know if you like me back and even if you do... I wouldn't want our first kiss to be like that. I don't want us to be forced to do that. That's just not the way I want it to be,"
You didn't look away from each other for a second. You were out of words.
And then it felt like you weren't controlling your body. You just followed every move, letting your heart do what it had to do.
You grabbed Marcus's face, pulling it close to yours and connected your lips.
But he didn't kiss back.
You pulled away and looked down.
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done this," you said. Once more, you were embarrassed.
Marcus put his hand under your chin, gently moving it up. His hand cupped your cheek and, this time, he kissed you. You were surprised, but seconds later, you kissed him back. You wrapped your hands around his neck. He smiled into the kiss.
He slowly pulled away and you looked in each other's eyes.
"Is this how you wanted it to be?" You asked, smiling lightly.
"Well, no one forced us, right?" Marcus asked.
You shaked your head.
"This was better than I wanted it to be," he said.
"Why didn't... you kiss back the first time?" You asked.
He caressed your cheek.
"You got me in surprise, Y/n. I didn't expect it and I was kind of shocked you liked me back. I couldn't even move," he chuckled.
You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.
"I'm glad things turned this way," Marcus said.
"Me too," you said, not opening your eyes, enjoying this moment.

My imagines are getting shorter lol.
If you have any imagine ideas, text meee (please, don't request dirty imagines).
P.s. I hope to make a good one for Christmas:)

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