Martinus// Vacation (part four)

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Dammitdammitdammitdammit I'm so sorry it's taking me so long, free time is just nonexistant for me


After less than half an hour, your ex-best friend came back with the food.

"Come take your food, Y/n," Martinus mumbled. You stood up from the couch you've been sitting on, slowly walking to the kitchen and taking the bag with your McDonald's order. You jumped on the sofa again, sighing loudly in satisfaction because nothing could make you happier at the moment, meanwhile Martinus stayed in the kitchen eating his meal, which was probably a Happy Meal since it was his favourite.

At least that's what you remembered.

When you finished eating, you threw out the paper bag and all the other wrapping paper. Martinus left the kitchen, leaving his papers on the island.

"Um, mind throwing out your litter, sir?" You said sarcastically, followed by a groan.

"Mind stopping complaining, young lady?" He came in view again, rolling his eyes before angrily crumpling up what he left and putting it in the trashcan.

"I'm not complaining," you mumble frowning.

"Oh, aren't you? It's not me who never shut ups when it comes to problems and all that shit," Martinus snapped, glaring at you as you stared back in shock "you kept complaining about how the air conditioner wasn't working and how much the seats were uncomfortable. You keep talking about how bad that or that is and how much you wished you stayed at home!"

"It wouldn't have been like that if it wouldn't have been you who I was traveling with!" You yelled back, taking a couple steps closer to him "wait, no, actually it wouldn't even have been bad if you wouldn't have turned into a piece of crap!"

"Well, is it really me who's a piece of crap? You don't even thank me for bringing you here or for buying you food! We're in Hawaii, dammit! It should be heaven but you still manage to turn everything into hell! What's wrong with you?" He fought back.

"What's wrong with me? Look at yourself!" You poked his chest and just then you realized how close you've come to each other "Martinus, what the hell happened? We were best friends and then one day you just ended it all in the worst possible way. You used to be the sweetest person I've known but that day something just snapped in you and you became... you became a monster!"

"It's because I can't even bear to be around you! You're a terrible person, Y/n! No one could ever like you" He yelled back.

"I hate you!" You groaned loudly, the sound more coming out as a shriek and you punched him in his chest. Not that it would hurt him, because you honestly still cared about him, but enough to show him how angry you were "I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" You kept repeating it and punching him in the chest as your voice became quiter and quiter and just then you realized you were crying.

For a second, you thought you saw something in Martinus's eyes as they softened for a moment... Regret? You didn't know. But his features hardened again as he grabbed your both wrists with his hands, stopping you from punching him. And the weirdest thing about this was that when he touched you, your skin started to tingle.

"Stop. Doing. That," he growled and let go of your hands, basically shoving them away before leaving the kitchen and going to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him loudly.

You broke out into quiet sobs, burying your face in your hands as tears streamed down your cheeks. You slid down a wall, feeling too weak to get up for another 30 minutes.

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