Marcus// Dangerous

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A very important author's note at the end. PLEASE read it <33

Unedited, sorry for my mistakes

You sigh as you throw your legs in the air and swing them down after a moment, helping yourself jump from the bed. You place your phone on the bedstand, not knowing what to reply to the text message.

'You have two choices - it's either you - you come back to me and let me do anything to you without anyone knowing about it and no one gets hurt - or I get your boyfriend, that you'll have to say goodbye to for the last time. Make your decision before 12 pm, babe;).'

You run a hand through your face, completely exhausted from all the harrassing from your ex-boyfriend, Jason. He's been trying to get you back to him for the last three months. Every time it would just get worse, he'd spam you with text messages, call you to threaten about something, sometimes he would even send one of his 'friends' over at you to scare you off. But today he sent a message, telling you that you'd either let him get in your pants and just let him use you or he'd do horrible things to your boyfriend.

If it were anyone else, you'd just call the police or ignore the man, but you knew who Jason was. He could basically kill a person with the snap of his fingers and he'd leave unnoticed.

You opened the fridge and chose the last can of Coke insted of all the bottles of sparkling water. You've had way too much of that thing.

Your body subconsciously leaned against the surface of a counter and you hissed as a small uncovered area of your back touched the cold table, shivers running down your spine.

You weren't getting much sleep from all of the things that has been happening lately - Jason harrassing you and your current boyfriend being the leader of his whole gang, which meant he'd get into the most fights. You always worried if he'd even come back at the end of the day, though you knew he was careful, for you. He made a promise. What made it all even harder, he didn't know about what Jason was up to because you simply didn't want to carry even more weight on his shoulders, so you had to deal with all of this alone.

Your thoughts were interrupted when the doors to your house were screwed open with a loud bang noise as it hit the wall and several boy voices were heard.

You widened your eyes as you put the can down and rushed to the hall.

"Quickly, get him to the couch," someone said.

"Just be careful, don't touch the bruise!"

"Shit, there's so much blood," the voices of the familiar boys interrupted each other's.

You gasped when you saw four of them - Jack, Peter, Sean and Ryan carrying a body by the person's legs and arms. You couldn't tell who it was though, there was a hoodie hiding the hurt person, who probably was a part of the gang. You prayed it wouldn't be your boyfriend, Marcus.

"Who is it? Is he hurt?" You asked as the boys pushed past you, groaning.

"What happened?" You asked again and didn't get any answers; everyone was too focused on the other boy.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" You basically shouted out, panick taking over you. You couldn't take your eyes off of the body. Please, don't tell me it's Marcus. Please.

Sean looked up at you for the first time, sighing loudly. "We got into a huge fight. It was alright at first, but it turned out they had a pocket knife. They used it on the first person that was the closest to them and it happened to be him. Poor guy got stabbed in the side of his stomach," he said as he took a glance at his friend with concern.

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