Martinus// Valentine's day

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A requested imagine for @AnimeFanGirl1649
Hope you will enjoy the imagine:)

Martinus POV

Today was the day I would meet Y/n. I haven't told her - it had to be a surprise for her. She did know that I was coming this week, but she didn't know which day it was.

I was away for one and a half months with Marcus. We were on tour, but we had a couple days off. That's why I decided to surprise her and spend the whole day with her.

It's Valentine's day, after all. I had to meet my girl.

"I can't believe I'm meeting her today. I missed her so much," I said excitedly when we were in the airport. We would soon separate because Marcus is coming back home and I'm going straight to Y/n's house.

My brother looked at me, smiling lightly and shaking his head.

"Tell me about it. You said it at least 10 times today," he chuckled.

I chuckled too.

"Okay, we'll meet later then," I said, before sitting in the other taxi "I guess I'll stay with her for the rest of the day,"

"Sure. See you," Marcus said and we did our special handshake.

I sat in the car, my heart beating faster as we get closer and closer to my destination. After about half an hour, I get to my girlfriend's house. I pay for the driver and get out of the car as fast as I can, a smile spreading on my face.

I hold the roses and chocolate that I bought for her. I silently unlock the door and walk in the house. But then I see it.

Then I see her. And him.

Some random boy I didn't even know was kissing Y/n. My girl.

The next second I turned around, not daring to look at the view anymore. I shut the door with a loud bang.

No one's POV

You rip off your face off the guy's when you hear a bang. You look through the window.


"Oh no," you whisper almost inaudibly.

You look at the guy that forced you into the kiss and slap him. Then you run out of the house, chasing after your boyfriend.

"Martinus!" you yell.

He's quickly walking away, almost running. Martinus turns his head with tears streaming down his cheeks. It was the first time you saw him cry. But he doesn't stop running.

"Tinus, please, wait!" you yell, choking on your own tears.

To your surprise, he stops. Martinus slowly turns around. You reach up to him.

"Please, just listen to m-" you start, but get cut off by him.

"Happy Valentine's day," he says, his voice cracking and gives the chocolate and roses that he was holding. You were taken aback "Don't chase after me," he then says sternly and turns around, starting to run again.

You collapse on your knees and hold your face in your hands.

"Martinus," you whisper softly and break into sobs.

- 1 hour later -

You have been laying on your bed for the past 50 minutes. You felt hopeless.

But then you thought about it.

We have been through so many things together and yet still nothing had torn us apart. Now, some guy just enters my house and thinks that it's fine to kiss me. This is NOT going to break our relationship. Martinus needs to know what happened.

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