Chapter 7: The Peace Within is Forgotten

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"He leaves this instant! I do not want him near my daughter nor do I want him in my home! He is not holy!" The king of hyrule shouts as his voice echoes through the halls of the castle. "Yes my king." Impa bows with regret. She knew it was not the boys fault, but she had to do what her king wishes. Ganon sat at the edge of his bed looking down at his hands and feet, he wondered what was wrong with him. Why did these things happen to him? Why was his childhood ruined and taken from him so easily? Was he a monster or was there a monster within him? If such a thing existed, was he able to fight it or was he simply its puppet? All he knew was that he didn't feel the same anymore, the peace within him was forgotten. "My lord, we can not stay here the king has banned us from his land." Tamy said as she packed his things. He looked at her with watery, bloodshot eyes. "Why does it have to be taken from me? My life will never feel happiness. Why was I chosen by the goddesses to be this way?" Ganon stuttered with emotional pain. His lip quivered as though he wanted to cry, but he held it in. Though this time it was easier, his emtions felt as if they were fading away slowly, like  a bright light dimming slowly into blackness. "My lord," Tamy said with a loss of words. "Do they hate me? Am I not worthy enough to be part of thier creation? Was I forged to be an outcast all my life?" Ganon asked Tamy for a wise answer. The tone in his voice filled with anger slowly turning into hatred. "No," Tamy said with confidence. "You can not blame the goddesses for this!" her voice was strong.

"Then who Tamy?" Ganon shouted demanding an answer with a stronger tone. There was a change in him, suddenly he wasn't a kid anymore. Tamy was able to sense this change and therefore she knew what his future what hold. "Answer-"

"Tonight," She interrupted by shouting back. "Tonight the truth will be told, your questions will be answered. Just be patient my... lord." She answered hesitantly. She continued to pack. She felt sorrow for the boy.

Impa walked into the room a few minutes later. Behind her were two guards with sword in hand. "I am sorry, but the king requests... that you leave immediately." She said with regret. "Seeing that your carriage has not arrived yet, we have provided you with a horse and a small carriage." A snobby guard added with a smirk on his face. Ganon could feel the disrespect coming from the guard. He stood up and walked towards them. "Very well," he said with a sarcastic attitude. "Move out of my way." He demanded. The guards nervously stepped aside from the door feeling intimidated by the young prince. Tamy followed behind him and Impa followed her. As they exited the castle there stood a very thin black horse, with a small  wooden carriage. The horse seemed malnourished and beat up. Ganon noticed as thoughts ran through his head. Was this horse an outcast like him? Was she given to him because she fit his situation? As much as he wated to, he said nothing.

Tamy put the chest on the back of the carriage and entered it as Ganon sat up front to drive it. Before he rode off he noticed Zelda standing at the gate. She stared at him with sorrow in her eyes, her youth and beauty hypnotized him for a short second. Suddenly he almost forgot that he brought her a gift. He quickly hopped off the carriage and reached inside of the chest. He pulled out three arrows and a bow wrapped in white cloth. The guards stood in prep just incase he tried anything. "During my short stay here you have been kind to me, without hesitation you became my friend!" He called out to her. "I thank you for such an experience! It was something I never thought that I would feel, but sadly our friendship must come to an end." He placed the bow onto the ground along with the arrows. "Goodbye." He Whispered. Zelda bowed her head with sorrow, not because she was sad, but because she felt sorry for him. He hopped back onto the carriage and decided to look at the beautiful land one last time. As he gazed at the lushful grass and the dancing tress in the wind, he noticed Link sitting in one of them. Thier eyes met and from what Ganon can tell from meeting him yesterday, Link wasn't himself either. Link sat upon a branch with a serious expression on his face, he knew what Ganon was. The young prince broke eye contact feeling uneasy by the look he received from the blonde haired boy. He sensed Link's change in attitude, he can feel hatred from him, a sense of suspicion. Ganon felt a connection between them, something had to have happened to Link last night too. His curiosity grew stronger, only anxious for night to come quicker so his questions could be answered. 

The horse nieghed and was anxious to run. Ganon broke out of his thoughts and rode off to Hyrule Fields.

The gates opened and the princess walked towards the bow. She unwrapped it gently and slowly with ease. As the cloth began to unwrap, a silver bow reflected and glew with sunlight. In the middle of the bow  where her hand was placed, a red velvet leather complimented the silver by being laced around the grip. It was beautiful. Within the cloth, there was a scroll, written in it said

"A skill with a bow is one of the greatest things a gerudo knows. Perhaps not only a gerudo can master it, but a talented princess. Take care of it, for it has been blessed by the goddess Din herself. With the power of this bow, you can conquer your greatest enemy."

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