Chapter 10: Your Heart is Bound to Another

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"Keep your right elbow up and let your back do the rest. Make sure to keep your posture straight, and only let go when you're ready."

The sharp sound of a whistling arrow can be heard through the wind, and the thud of armor piercing iron pounded through a wooden manikin. The arrow stuck out from the targets groin area, and for a moment there was silence.

"Perhaps you should aim a bit higher princess..."

There was silence between Impa and Zelda. Nothing can be heard but the sound of birds chirping in the trees, and the wind that flowed through the leaves on the ground. Zelda stood there staring at the manikin with a sad, but curious expression. She let out a small sigh before reaching for another arrow.

"Just do exactly as I said and you'll..."

Before Impa could finish instructing, Zelda knocked the arrow, aimed quickly, and shot. The arrow flew by the manikin and stuck into the ground. Impa didn't say a word, she watched Zelda as she kept repeating the process as quickly as she could. Some of the arrows flew by the manikin and others hit it directly. Then the arrows stopped, and there was silence once again. Zelda stood there breathing heavily, with tears in her eyes, though she wasn't crying. The front side of her left forearm bled from the recoil of the bow, as the string slapped against her skin. She dropped the bow to the ground and placced her hand where she bled.
Impa walked over to her with disappointment.

"That isn't what I taught you Zelda. Now look what you've done to yourself..."

"I don't care!" Zelda interrupted her once again. "It's just blood, let the wound heal on its own, there's nothing you could do about it!"

Impa stood there speechless from the young girl's words. She had never heard her lash out like that, or even act in such a way. What was troubling her, why was she acting like this? "What's troubling you child?" She asked as she knelt down beside her, examining her arm with a gentle touch. "It's been three months since the incident with the Gerudo prince." She answered softly. "Three months since I last saw Link, or even heard from him. Everyone's been acting strange lately and I'm here stuck in the dark not knowing what's happening." She explained to her care taker. "For the first time in three months my father finally spoke to me. I was excited when I heard his voice, but the words that his voice carried completely took my excitement away."

Impa stayed quiet as she listened. She cleaned her wounds and gently wrapped a bandage around Zelda's forearm. She didn't want to be rude and question the princess, but she was curious. She hoped Zelda would continue the story, but there was silence.

"I don't want to practice anymore, I just want to be left alone today." Zelda picked up the bow from the ground and gathered up the rest of her things. "Thank you Impa." She said as she slowly walked towards the exit of the private training grounds. Impa let out a small sigh as she watched Zelda exit the yard. Her curiosity grew stronger, but she kept silent.

The day was still early, everyone in the castle was quite busy. The kings guards trianed in the training grounds and drank wine as they gossiped and tested thier mettle against one another. Ladies and hand maidens gossiped as well and shared stories about their interests in some of the knights. The king sat upon the throne dealing with civilians, going to council meetings, and signing important documents. Chefs prepared dinner for the royal family and gossiped like all the others, and Impa slowly walked her way through the caslte, just to find herself locked outside of Zelda's chambers. Though through all the walking, she heard the people's gossip. Most of which mentioned the name of the princess, but she could never clearly hear what all the gossip was about.

Her curiosity grew worse and she wanted to know what Zelda was upset about. She wanted to help the young girl, but she needed to hear from Zelda herself. She raised a fist about to knock on her door. "Lady Impa?" A soft voice alerted her. She quickly turned around in surprise only to be faced by Zelda's hand maiden holding a tray of baked goods. "I'm sorry if I startled you, but I don't think the princess wants to see anyone right now, she's quite upset you see." The maiden explained. "I..." Impa hesitated. "Oh my, I believe I've said too much. I'm sorry but if you'll excuse me I would like to deliver these to her. She requested that I bring them to her as soon as possible." The maiden said nervously as she entered Zelda's room and quickly shut the door behind her. Impa stood there staring at the door. She put her ear against it and tried to listen for any conversation between the two, but there was only silence. Nothing but a couple of footsteps, dishes clanking together and the sound of rustling bed sheets. "Anything else milady?" The maiden asked. Silence.

Impa backed away from the door so that she wouldn't be caught eavesdropping. The door quickly opened and the maiden stepped out. She made eye contact with Impa then quickly looked down. Impa joined her and looked down at the maidens hands only to be shocked at such a sight. Her heart sank and she gasped a little as she focused on what was infront of her. "Lady Impa, you're still here?" The maiden whispered. In the maidens hands were Zelda's pink bed sheets, a bright red spot stained them in the center. Impa looked up at the maiden with a shocked expression. "Is she alright?" She asked. The maiden nodded with assurance. "She will be, she just needs some time to herself. It doesn't help that the king already knows and hasn't done anything about it." The maiden answered. "When did this happen?" Impa asked. "This morning before archery practice." The maiden answered. "The poor girl woke up scared. I guess nobody educated her about it, and the only thing the king had to say to her was that she was ready to be wedded." She continued with a tone of annoyance.

"I should get rid of these before..."

"Thank you" Impa interrupted.

"Milady" The maiden said as she bowed before walking off.

Impa took a deep breath as she took some time to think about what she would say to the princess, before walking into her room. Memories of Zelda ran through her head. She remembered watching her over the years. She wrapped her hand around the door nob and opened the door slowly. As she walked in she could see the blonde princess sitting at her vanity, brushing her hair.

"Syriana? I need for you to do one more thing for me, please. Lady Impa, tell her I'm sorry... for acting up" Zelda said with a sigh. "She didn't deserve that. She's helped me with so much, and all I did was make her feel like she couldn't. I love her with all my heart, I hope she can forgive me."

There was silence for a short moment. Impa heard her words and her heart began to race with emotions.

"Syriana?" Zelda asked as she turned around. She was shocked by the sight of Impa standing behind her. There was silence again.

"Zelda, you mean so much to me, you are my life. I've watched you grow ever since you were an infant, and I am proud to see what you've become." Impa broke the silence. "You still have so much ahead of you, and you have my support until my time will end. No mater what, I will always be there for you."

Tears formed in Zelda's eyes as she hugged Impa tightly. "Father says It's time for me to be wedded to a prince!" She mumbled as she cried. "But that means I'd have to leave Hyrule!"

"There's no need to worry child, even if you are promised to a prince, you will soon see that the wprld offers places just as beautiful as Hyrule." Impa comforted the girl.

"My heart is here Impa, this is my home, I don't want it bound to another."

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