Chapter 6: The Sun Begins to Rise

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"My eyes have a similar glow, only in darkness do they brighten, a gift by me passed to you. You were born into sin my son, a curse thrust upon you to finish what I could not. An endless battle with that disgusting bloodline of heroism, and the bloodline of royalty. Maybe this time I can stop them, you belong to me boy. Follow me into darkness, sacrifice your soul for the one who gifted you with life. If you choose to disobey then you will be forced to feed me the blood of the innocent. Bring me the blood of the virgin girl and the righteous hero. I will destroy the purity that holds the bond between both houses. Thier power will help me burn this horrid land that they call home, and I will shape it in my image. I will be a god and once again Demise will rise!"


The prince with dark skin lay in bed, stiff as a board. He begins to hyperventilate, his teeth began to grind and his skin begins to drench in sweat. Tears start to form and seep through his closed eye lids as he groans with an emotional tone. The sheets that cover him fall to the ground, he starts to feel cold externally, but his blood boils beneath his flesh. He lays stiff and his body begins to levitate slowly along with his personal possessions. His ears bleed and his nose follows along. Suddenly his eyes open, they widen and shine with a darker shade of orange as if they were burning with flames. In an instant the young gerudo prince screams with a pearcing pitch mixed with a beastly roar. "STOP!" He shouts with a possessed tone. He continues to float in the air with his belongings. Gaurds and knights pound on the door, it seems to be locked or forcefully shut from the other side.

Tamy awakens from the horrific sounds outside her room, along with the king and his daughter. As he continues to scream, mirrors and windows begin to burst into pieces. "GET OUT!" The boy shouts with frustration, but this time his voice sounds like his natural self. "My lord, unluck the door, let us in so we can help you!" Tamy yells from the other side of the walls. "YOU WILL OBEY YOUR CREATOR!" The demonic tone demands.

The boy stops screaming, there is silence within his room. Gaurds and knights continue to try and open the door, it's still locked shut. Princess Zelda stands behind her father with a terrified expression. "Everyone out of the way, Now!" Impa demands aggressively. She pulls out a medium sized dagger and slashes the doorknob clean off. She kicks the door open, nothing is seen but darkness. "Give me a torch." Impa says before entering the room. One of the knights gladly hands her a torch and draws his sword, following behind her. As they take a few steps they notice objects floating in mid air. "Don't come any closer, hideous mortal." The voice of a demon echoes through the room. Impa points the torch in the direction of where the voice was. In the dim lighting of the room, the lifless body of the gerudo prince levitates vertically, facing the two brave soldiers that stand before him. His eyes are attracted to the flames of the torch, but his face gives a blank expression. "P-Prince Ganondorf?" The knight asked with disbelief and fear. "I possess power. I can sense both wisdom and courage, they are fairly close." The lifless body speaks to Impa. "A new age of darkness will rain upon hyrule once the the three pieces unite. Demise will rise once again! AND ALL SHALL PERISH!"

As the demonic tone shouted its last words, Ganons body fell to the floor. Floating objects were aggressively shot across the room and scattered around. Ganon gasps for air as quickly as he can, his lungs feel as if they were closed shut. Tears run down his cheeks, the glow in his eyes begin to dim down to thier natural glow. The boy sits in a corner of a the room with his knees to his chest. His expression looks as though he has seen what no other man has ever seen. Impa rushes to the boy to comfort him. She gently places her hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, I'm here to protect you."

A light wind begins to blow through the broken windows, and the sky turns into a shade if dark blue.

The sun begins to rise.

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