Meet the Boys

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Abigail's Point Of View

It still hand't really sunk in by the time Harry and I were driving to go meet the rest of the boys. I mean, the person I listened to every night, the person who's beautiful voice calmed me down when I was upset; the person who's beautiful eyes I had dreamed of seeing was right here next to me. I mean, I was surprised I hadn't even been able to tell. The thought may have crossed my mind a few times but I had quickly dismissed it; it was completely impossible.

But here he was. Right next to me. One hand on mine, one on the wheel of his Ferrari. And I was completely in love with him. I took a moment to stare at his perfect, smiling face. How on earth did I get so lucky? I wondered how many girls would die to be in my place right now. Thousands? Millions?

I held on to his hand a bit tighter, wanting this to last. But someone with as many options as him would probably get tired of an average girl like me. I needed to treasure these moments forever.

We drove for a while, sitting in a comfortable silence, when we pulled into a super mod-looking apartment. And the gates were huge; a special code had to be dialed to get in.

"The code is 7767, just so you know. You can comer over anytime you'd like." He said, winking at me. I felt my cheeks get bright red. I looked at my hands. After an almost-never-ending driveway, we were finally at the apartment. If you could even call it that. It was more like a 5-star hotel. The door was bright red, and I could hear shouts of boys coming from the inside. I felt myself get extremely nervous. I squeezed Harry's hand.

"Don't be scared," He said, as if reading my mind. "It's not like they're my parents." He said, laughing. As soon as he opened the door, the room went silent. I saw four heads turn my way.

"Is this her? Harry! Is this her?!" Louis asked, bounding from the sofa and grasping Harry's arm. He was wearing his typical striped shirt, skinny jeans, and TOMS. Harry nodded.

"Lou, this is my girlfriend, Abigail." Harry said. I gaped at Louis, shocked as I was to see him as Harry. It was just so weird seeing the boys' who's pictures you've looked at over and over here in the flesh.

"H-Hi…" I said, looking at the ground. Louis burst into laughter.

"Hazza! She's so cute!" He said, doubling over from laughter. Liam got up from the couch and walked towards me. I smiled at him and said "hi." I was getting a bit more used to this.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Harry has said quiet a lot about you." Liam said, giving me a warm smile and a hand shake. Harry had been talking about me…? I felt myself blush. And next came Niall.

"Hi there, I'm Niall." He said, giving me a shy smile. His Irish accent was really thick.

"I-I know…" I said, still star-struck, staring at his piercing blue eyes.

"Wow, you really are cute," I heard a soft voice say. Zayn was walking towards me. He shook my hand. I looked at the tattoo that covered his wrist, and his amazing hair.

I smiled at all of them. This was still completely unreal. 

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