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I spun around. It was the man, and he had sat directly next to me at the bar stools. Only, as I looked at him, I noticed he wasn't a man, but a boy, not much older than I was. And he was beautiful, from what I could see. He had a perfect face shape, and chocolate colored curls. I wondered what his eyes looked like under those glasses…

And then I snapped myself out of it. This was a random stranger. I should not even be thinking about those things. For all I know, he could be a rapist or something. He smiled at me. What a beautiful smile, I thought. Dimples too. I felt myself blushing.

"Hello." He said. Was that…a British accent? 

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked him, hoping that this good-looking guy would go away.

"Er…not really. I've never really been to a place like this, though. The way people dance here is pretty rude, don't you think?" He asked, staring at Vanessa and the guy who was nearly humping her.

"What are you getting at?" I asked him, my blue eyes narrowed. He blushed.

"Ermm no. That's not what I was implying. Anyway, you're not drunk, like the rest of them?" He asked me. And then I realized, something about his slow and deep British voice seemed familiar. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it…

"No. I don't drink, I'm only sixteen." I said, drawing in a small breath. Shit, I just told him my age.

"What, you're only 16? You look quite a bit older than that." He said, looking me over from head to toe. 

"Thank you..?" I asked, as a question rather then an answer.

"You're quite welcome." He said, when I heard a phone buzz. He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Hello? Oh, My Boo! Yes, I think I have…yes, she is. A lot, actually. I know, me too! Well, I'd better go. I love you!" The strange boy said, hanging up.

"Your girlfriend?" I asked.

"NO!" he coughed. "Em.. I mean no, he's not. It's just Lou. He's a good lad." He said smiling. I looked at him strangely.

"…So are you guys gay then?" I asked. HIs eyes got wide.

"Not at all! Haven't you heard of Larry St--" He covered his mouth.

"Larry? Larry who?" I asked. 

"Um. Nevermind, no one at all. Anyway, I had better get going."

"Huh? You just got here." I said to the boy. He cleared his throat.

"…I have some business I have to take care of. Do you mind giving me your number?" He asked, sounding adorably british.

"Why?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Because you're quite pretty. And you never know these days, right?" He said, laughter in his voice. Was he serious, or just toying with me? Before I could decide, he grabbed my phone from me and was already programming his number into my phone. I looked at him strangely. He handed the phone back to me, looking like he was waiting for something. He sighed.

"And yours?" He asked.

"O-oh. Right. Um, 1678-342-5567." As I spoke he was typing quickly on his iPhone.

"Ah, thank you! What was your name again? Didn't catch it, I'm sorry."

"A-Abigail…what's your--" But before I could ask for the strange boy's name he had gotten up and sprinted away. I stared in his direction. What. The. Hell. Was that!? I thought to myself. What a weird guy. But a very cute one.

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