Oh, baby!

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It had only been about a month since Harry and I had gotten married. We were just getting used to that life, and it was better than I had ever imagined. Through everything, and anything, we always had each other. Harry was husband and my best friend. 

It was then that I began feeling a bit sick. I woke up one morning, Harry still snoozing away, feeling incredibly nautious. I sprinted into the bathroom and vommited in the toilet, when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Go away, you don't need to see this…" I said.

"Baby, don't say that. What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"I don't know…I woke up feeling really sick…"

"I'm sorry, love. We should take you to the doctor…" Harry said. That was like him; always worrying over me.

"I'm okay. I just need to rest…" I said, laying down on the cold bathroom floor; head spinning. I felt Harry's arms wrap around me, and he carried me to the bed. He kissed my forehead and put the covers on me. I loved him so much.

That was when I sat up abruptly. When was the last time I had gotten my period?

 I ran into the bathroom, thanked god that Harry was gone, and looked through my drawers. Thank god I bought this just in case, I thought as I opened the pregnancy test box.

After I had finished, I stared at the results and blinked. Oh my god. Positive.

I was in complete shock. Should I be happy about this? Or sad? All I knew right now was that I needed my husband.

I sprinted downstairs, ignoring the nausea, and I found Harry on the couch watching TV. I ran over to him.

"Oh my god! Harry!" I yelled. He immediately got up and ran over to me. I hugged him as tight as I could, beginning to cry into his shirt. 

"What is it baby? What's wrong?" He asked, stroking my hair.

"Harry…I'm pregnant…" I said into his shirt. He stopped stroking my hair.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said. 

"Oh..oh my…"

"What should we do?" I whispered, tears welling up in my throat again.

"What do you mean! Abigail, this is great! It's wonderful!" Harry said. I pulled away from him, relief flowing through me.

"It is?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yes! Wow, I'm going to be a father…" Harry said, smiling. 

"So this is a good thing?" I asked, feeling myself begin to smile back. Now that I thought about it, having a child, especially with the man I loved more than anything on the planet, was a pretty amazing thing.

"Of course. I'm so happy…" He said, tears of happiness brimming his eyes. I kissed him, and I knew everything from there was going to perfect.

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