Lies on Lies on Lies

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We were seated at our table, with a view of the city. The bright lights of America really were fascinating, I thought.

"America is a nice place." I said, staring out the window.

"Do you not live here?" She asked me. Uh-oh.

"Um…no, I'm from London, actually…" I actually was born in Chesher, but if she was a really big directioner, she might know what town Harry was born in.

"O-oh. When are you going back home…?" She asked. Was that a hint of sadness in her tone? I smirked to myself. Maybe she was falling for me after all.

"Not for a while. And I come here a lot…on…uh…business." I was actually recording my new album here at the moment, but I couldn't tell her that. And it was true; I did come here quite a lot.

"Business? How old are you?" She asked me suspiciously.

"Eighteen." I said.

"Then…aren't you still in school? What business do have to do?"

"Just business." I said. Please don't ask for me to tell you anymore, I thought.

"Okay, business. Now, please tell me your name." She said. I cringed. 


"Um…you're name is Papyrus?" She asked, eyebrows raised. Papyrus? How stupid could you get, Harry, I thought to myself.

"Yes. Papyrus…Jones." I said. She raised her eyebrows.

"Ooo-kay then." I could tell by her face that she wasn't going to believe me, but hopefully she would play along until I was ready to tell her who I really was.

"So, Papyrus," She said, almost rolling her eyes. "Why do you always wear those sunglasses? And a hood, too?" She asked. Dammit, I thought."I have…I have a sun allergy." I said. I was shocked to see her looking at me with sympathy.

"Oh, that must really suck. Can't imagine what that must be like." She said, looking at me sadly. Did she actually believe me? Even though we were indoors? I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm…er…used to it." 

"Oh. Well, again, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that…" Abigail said. A wave of guilt washed over me. Abigail really felt bad for me…

"It's really not all that bad. Anyway, enough about me. Let's hear about you." I said, looking at her.

"Ask away." She said.

"Let's see here…what do you want to do when you're older?" I asked her. She gave me a look. Yes, a very cliche question. But i truly was curious. She blushed.

"Um…" She said quietly.

"You don't want to tell me?" I asked her. 

"No, it's a just a little embarrassing." She said.

"Tell me."

"I want to be a singer." She said. I felt a warmth spread through me. Abigail liked to sing too?

"That's really cool. Will you sing for me sometime?" I asked. She blushed even more.

"No way."

"Why not?"

"I'm no good." Abigail said, looking at me sadly.

"Don't say that. Sing for me."

"Only if you tell me your real name." I was stuck.

"I can't."

"AHA! So you admit it! Are you a secret agent or something?" She asked me. I stifled a giggle.


"An undercover cop?" She asked me, still completely serious.

"No." I said, trying incredibly hard to control my laughter.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" Abigail asked.

"Probably not. Anyway, Abigail, were you born here, or…?" I asked her.

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