Cosette - Eponine Again.

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(AN I would like to dedicate this chapter to @smallfrenchcar.  I love your stories, they make my day! Hugs and xxx Jc99)

"before I leave, what are your names?"

The small Street gamine enquired. 

My Papa answered with a gasp before I could speak a word, and suddenly turned an awfully pale shade of white. 
"my name is monsiur... Javert .  This is my daughter. She is called.... Fantine."

"Papa what is wrong with you? Can you not remember our names? You're not javert! I am coss-... " before I could continue, the gamine had tackled me into a hug." of course cossete! Now I remember. we were children together, look what's become of me........ It's me cossete, it's eponine, don't you remember? Can't you see?... "

Eponine? Eponine?...... Oh. Eponine. 


Eponine thenardier! She had the cheek to reappear!  But apparently not to torment me.  Eponine knew the love of my life.  And she was willing to put her Oh-so obvious lust and want for him on the line.  For.... me. The Girl who I hated, was ruining her own love life for me.

For us.

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