➣ two.

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As I walked outside, I saw Mal by a long black limousine, staring off into space with her mother's spellbook in her arms. I knew by the look in her eyes that she'd most likely had the same sort of talk with Maleficent that I'd had with my mother, and I had a feeling that she had been forced into our mothers' joint scheme as well.

I walked over to my friend and shoved her shoulder with my own. Her head whipped around to face me, and I immediately held up my hands.

"Hey, chill," I said. "It's just me."

"Yeah, sorry." Mal shook her head once. "I was just thinking."

Before I could reply, Evie and Jay came out with their suitcases, their parents trailing behind them.

The Evil Queen, Evie's mother, turned up her nose at the sight of the limo. "Ah!" she said. "Smells like common folk."

That's when Carlos came running out of the house, his bag in his hands as he darted away from his mother. Cruella was struggling to keep up with him, yelling at him to stop.

"Come back here, now!" Cruella shouted. "Carlos!" When he practically dove into the vehicle, Cruella stopped and muttered, "Ingrate."

I rolled my eyes and shouldered my bag, then climbed into the limo. As I took a seat next to Mal and Evie, and Jay sat down next to Carlos, I heard their parents calling out different wishes while the limo pulled away.

"Bring home the gold!"

"Bring home a puppy!"

"Bring home a prince!"

I knew my mother wasn't going to be there; she honestly only wanted her way and nothing else. So I simply pulled the hood of my dark green hoodie over my head and tried to think of how we were going to get that wand.

As soon as Carlos and Jay saw all the candy in the backseat, they lunged for it and began stuffing their faces. I crinkled my nose at their behavior before slouching down in my seat, biting my fingernail in thought.

How do you think we can pull this off?

I glanced at Mal, who was looking at me through the corners of her eyes. I raised an eyebrow at her; it was rare that she used our link in the presence of our friends, since they had no idea that we even had one.

When Mal and I first met, we didn't hit it off right away. In fact, we practically despised each other. But slowly, when we figured out that we had more in common than we originally thought, we became really good friends. And shortly after that, we discovered that we shared something else—a telepathic link that allowed us to talk to each other through our thoughts and sense each other's emotions. We had no idea where it came from or why it was between just us, but it had been there ever since we befriended each other.

I gave Mal a slight shrug before replying, I dunno. But I think winging it is out of the question.

She huffed quietly, rolling her eyes slightly before staring off into space again. I crossed my arms, realizing that she was plotting, and began to try and think up my own plan, only to feel soft brush strokes on my cheek.

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