➣ four.

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004. | TROUBLE

"If someone hands you a crying baby," Fairy Godmother said to us, pointing to the blackboard, "do you... A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?"

It was the following morning, and the five of us were sitting in our Remedial Goodness 101 Class, which was taught by Fairy Godmother herself. However, most of us weren't really too engaged. Jay and Carlos were staring at the blackboard, unimpressed, while Mal and I were drawing. The only one of us who seemed to be interested was Evie, who looked as if she was trying way too hard to figure out the answer. 

After Fairy Godmother finished her question, Evie raised her hand, and Fairy Godmother smiled before pointing to her. "Evie."

Evie paused for a moment, then asked in her false ditsy voice, "What was the second one?" 

I gave her an annoyed look, as did Mal. Why was she pretending to be dumb? We all knew Evie was the smartest out of all of us. 

Fairy Godmother sighed in defeat at Evie's answer. "Oh, okay," she said. "Anyone else?" Seeming to notice that I was engrossed in my drawing, she asked me, "Freddy?"

I looked up and squinted at the board before saying in mild interest, "C, give it a bottle."

Fairy Godmother grinned. "Correct." She leaned forward and pointed at me. "Again."

"You are on fire, girl!" Carlos told me, clearly impressed.

I shrugged, holding out my pencil. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

Carlos nodded. "Oh."

"That makes so much sense," Evie agreed.

Mal gave me a nod of approval, and that's when a girl in a baby blue dress and wacky hair came in, letting out a soft shriek and picking up her pace when she saw us.

"Oh," Fairy Godmother said to the girl. "Hello, dear one."

"Hi," the girl replied, handing Fairy Godmother a small clipboard as she stared at us with fearful eyes. "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." 

I stared at the girl, slightly intrigued. She seemed especially afraid of us. It was a bit amusing to say the least. 

Fairy Godmother smiled as she signed the clipboard. "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" she asked. 

The girl, Jane, widened her eyes as she hissed, "Mom, no!"

"It's okay," Fairy Godmother assured her as she handed Jane the clipboard. Then, Fairy Godmother put her hands on Jane's shoulders and ushered her closer to us, saying warmly, "Jane, this is everyone."

Jane looked at us, her eyes as big as the moon as we stared at her. "Hi." We were silent, and she went on fearfully, "That's okay, don't mind me." Jane gave a slight, awkward curtsy. "As you were."

With another squeal of terror, Jane hurried off. At the realization of her naïveté, suddenly an idea popped into my head. So I raised my head and nudged Mal with my elbow, causing her to look up from her drawing and frown at me.

What? she asked.

I have a plan, I told her. We might just be getting that wand sooner than we thought.

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