➣ sixteen.

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"Well, well, well," Uma said as Harry marched me inside her mother's restaurant. "If it isn't the legendary Freddy Sanderson. How nice of you to join us."

After Harry had found me, he'd brought me back to the place where Uma and her pirates hung out: Ursula's seafood restaurant. Harry was Uma's first mate and had an inflated ego, so I wasn't surprised that he seemed too proud of himself for capturing me. I honestly hated the restaurant (since I despised the smell of fish), but I didn't let anyone see my disgust as I faced Uma.

"If you thought I actually came here willingly then you're an even bigger idiot than Gil," I retorted, crossing my arms.

Uma snorted. "You're the idiot, for letting yourself get captured. I thought you were better than that." When I just glared at her, she smirked. "I guess you've lost your touch, Fred."

"Only my friends call me Fred," I snapped.

"Really?" Uma looked around. "Cause I don't see any of your so-called 'friends' trying to come find you." Picking up a chair and turning it around, she sat on it backwards and folded her arms over the back of it. "But I am curious about your girlfriend. If you're here, then she can't be far behind."

"Mal's not my girlfriend," I replied. Then I added softly, "Not anymore."

Uma was silent until Harry made a hacking noise with his throat, and then she rolled her eyes. "Oh, boo-hoo, my girlfriend dumped me." She snorted, then said to me, "Get over it, Freddy. You of all people should know that good things never happen to us."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you want, Uma? Cause if you want me to join your little crew, the answer is no."

"Oh, please." Uma waved her hand dismissively. "I don't need you on my crew. What I need you to do is find Mal, and bring her to me. Or else your little King walks the plank."

Suddenly Harry marched out of the back room, dragging Ben along with him. Ben's hands were tied up, and he was walking without any resistance, which only made me feel worse.

"Ben!" I said, lunging for him, only to be stopped when Uma pointed her sword at my neck.

"Don't test me, Sanderson," Uma said, smirking as I glared at her. "I won't hesitate to let him swim with the sharks a little early."

"You're a punk," I snapped.

"And you're a traitor," Uma snapped back. "First you turned on me. Then on the Isle. And now, you're going to turn on your friends." I narrowed my eyes as she went on, "Find Mal, and bring her to me, or else you're joining your little King belowdecks."

Even though Mal hadn't decided to come back, she was still my friend, and I wasn't about to betray her. So I shook my head. "Like I would ever take orders from a punk like you."

Uma just smiled, then jerked her head towards Harry. He walked over to me, grabbed my arm, and dragged me and Ben away. As we walked, I managed to make eye contact with Harley, who smiled at me and winked. I knew that response, and it made me sigh in relief. Harley was going to warn Mal and the others. And hopefully, they'd be able to help.

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"We have to get out of here," Ben said as he paced around our cell. "I have to talk to Uma, and see if I can reason with her."

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