➣ twenty.

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Have you ever been trapped inside your own mind? Like, your soul and your heart and every part of you that has common sense is telling you no, but your mind and body are doing it anyway?

Well, as I walked onto the deck of the boat where Cotillion was held, that was exactly what was going on with me.

My subconscious self was screaming at me to stop, to think about what I was doing, to resist the spell that Uma had cast on me. But it didn't work; I kept going despite my attempts to stop myself. So I could only watch helplessly as Mal walked up the stairs to meet me.

Mal reached out for me, trying to take my hand, but I stopped her, even though on the inside my heart was breaking.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain," I said.

Mal, it's not me! I cried out using our link. Uma spelled me, can't you see that?

But it was like we were cut off or blocked. She couldn't hear me, and I couldn't get through to her.

I turned and gestured toward the door, and that's when Uma came out, looking much more sophisticated in the baby blue dress she wore.

"Hi," she said to me.

"Hi," I replied.

Get the heck away from me, you punk! I yelled. But then I found myself turning to Mal.

"I'm sorry," I said. "It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was back on the Isle with Uma... a connection."

That's not true! She spelled me, Mal!

"What are you saying?" Mal asked, her heartbreak evident in her voice.

"I'm saying–"

"It was love," Uma cut in, taking my hands.

"It was," I agreed.

It was a cheap, dirty little trick, that's what it was!

"I just—realized how alike Freddy and I are, you know?" Uma said. "We are."

Keep laying it on thick, you punk. I'll beat your sorry carcass as soon as I get free.

"I know," I said. Taking Uma's hands, I kissed her knuckles softly. "You're so beautiful."

Maybe on the outside, but on the inside you're uglier than my mom!

"Freddy," Mal said, catching my attention. "Freddy... did you go back for her?"

Of course not!

"She didn't have to," Uma explained. "I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer."

I grinned. "You are."

I wanna fight!

"Aw, thank you." Uma turned to Mal, smiling sweetly. "Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you, I do, for everything." She hugged her, whispering thanks you's to Mal, who seemed completely resistant to Uma's sudden kindness.

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