♕Jeon Vs Jeon♕

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Comment or I'll make two Jungkook's fuck you

Comment or I'll make two Jungkook's fuck you__________

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There are three Jungkook's.
Pink haired guy is the; 'I'm Kind and everyone loves me' guy.

Black haired guy is the; 'ill fuck you up if you touch me or even glance at me'

Brown: Our real Jungkookie who's...Jungkook lolz.

         Jungkook lay asleep peacefully on his bed. Weird weather was going on right now, it was raining but it would stop for a few minutes then come back. The sound of loud thunder occurred making Jungkook jump up with a shout. After a few minutes of panting he sat with his eyes closed running his hands through his hair.

        "Shit. . ."he said looking up a numerous amount of times. He breathed in and out softly rubbing his sleepy eyes that still weren't fully able to see. He shook his head slightly laying back down. Laying down he looked to his drawer that sat by his bed. A black alarm clock said: 3:00am

         He let out a calm sigh drifting off to sleep again. Before he had awoken the rain had stopped, but rn after he fell asleep again, it started over.

        "Wake Up Jungkookie~"

        "I made you breakfast~and I added lots of love to it~"


         Jungkook groaned shifting to the other side of the bed ignoring an awfully familiar voice.

         "Jungkook. . Do you not love yourself Kookie?"

         Jungkook raised a hand up lazily and let if fall. He was too tired, last night him and the guys all went out to a club and went alittle too overboard. His brows furrowed  as he felt a hand running a cold finger down his back.

         ". .leave . .me alone. ."He whispered feeling the finger stop at his waist line. He was only wearing black joggers, no shirt.

         "Guys I'm serious." He growled quietly growing angry. That's when he felt it, the finger went lower to his ass making his eyes pop open and jump falling off the bed with the sheets.

        "AuGh. Shit!" He groaned with his eyes shut closed.

        "Sorry! Babe I didn't mean to hurt you!"

        He heard the creaking of the bed grow loud clearly knowing someone was getting off. His eyes opened revealing a slightly blurry pink and yellow figure. He rubbed his eyes and quickly looked up revealing—-HIMSELF???

       "Ugh. . I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The pink haired male happily said as he bent down moving the blanket off of the brown haired male.

        Pink Jungkook smiled leaning his face closer to the others. Jungkook was shocked, he couldn't say anything. Who was this guy!! Is he a doppelgänger??!! OH SHIT IS HE BEING REPLACED BY ALIENS?!

      "Gosh. . You're so beautiful. . I want to be all yours. ." Pink Jungkook whispered cupping the brown haired male's cheeks. Jungkook not able to move began to sweat insanely. Another Him?. . No this is a dream.

      "I'll protect you from that emo Jungkook. . I promise Jungkookie. . I promise~" Pink Kook whispered leaning in and pressing his lips against the others. Jungkook gasped as he grabbed the pink hair's arms and pulled him away.

      "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" He shouted as the other Jungkook chuckled tilting his head a bit.

      "Isn't it obvious?, I'm you." He grinned. Jungkook's mouth slightly hung open while his eyes we're filled with shock and fear. Pink Jungkook stood up letting Jungkook's hands fall.

      "So I made you a nice breakfast, eggs, bacon, small pancakes." He giggled walking over to a wardrobe where a tray of food was placed on top. He grabbed it walking back to Jungkook who was frozen in place.

       "Are you not gonna eat?" Pink Jungkook smiled sitting down in front of him. Jungkook looked at the male in front of him still the same until he snapped shaking his head.

     "How—lIke—How is there another me?! I don't understand-where whaat?!" He shouted placing his hands over his face. Pink Jungkook shook his head slightly grabbing a fork and knife cutting a piece of a pancake.

       "Eat." He said lifting the fork up to Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook hesitatingly placed his mouth over the fork taking the piece.

      "There's another." Pink Kookie said taking another piece of the pancake and placing it in Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook quickly choked letting out coughs.

      "ANOTHER?!" He said looking back to the other. Pink Jungkook looked up at him with a dark expression. He's serious. Jungkook thought as he gulped.

      "Yes. And I personally hate him." He huffed lowering his head and looking away.

     "But isn't he. . Another. . Me?-us? I mean." He said making the male with the fork point it at him.

     "HE IS NOT ONE OF US." The pink male shouted making the other flinch. Pink Jungkook's angry face disappeared as he blinked realizing he screamed.

      "Babe I'm sorry—"No. Don't call me that, I don't even know you." Jungkook rolled his eyes standing up.

       "But I'm you. ."Pink Jungkook whispered looking up to the other. Jungkook bent down placing the fork on the tray and picking it up. He went over to the door ready to head out until Pink Jungkook ran over and hugged him by the waist tightly.

      "JUNGKOOK LISTEN TO ME, If you go outside. . He'll—-He whispered tightening his grip making Jungkook tense up.

      "He'll Find you. . The other Jungkook. . The dark side of y-."

That was it. Jungkook was done with this bullshit.

      "Wake Up Jungkook wake up wake up damn it!" The brown haired male said dropping the tray with food down onto the floor.

      "I'm just dreaming right? This has got to be a dream." He whispered rubbing his face with his hands.

      "Another me? Bullshit." The two said in unison making Jungkook turn to look at him shocked.

     "This is real. I'm you." Pink Jungkook whispered pressing a soft kiss to the back of his neck.

     "That other Jungkook is bad, really bad." He said kissing him on the back of his neck again and again.

     "He kills, he hates, he curses."

     "But I curse—"His words are . . worse."

     Jungkook gulped.

     "But don't worry...I won't let him come and tak-hurt you." Pink Jungkook whispered letting out a quiet huff as he quickly turned the other around leaning up and pressing him against the wall.

"I'll leave a mark to make sure he doesn't~" he whispered into the brown haired male's ear. Jungkook's heart paced making him unsure of what to do. Was he to believe this guy? But it's him—he wouldn't lie to anyone. That's wrong. . He would. There probably isn't another Jungkook. BUT STILL THIS IS WEIRD, ANOTHER HIM. This is a dream it has to be, no way is there two more copies of him. That's impossible.

(Honestly, I'm not sure where I was heading towards with this. I was making it like a month ago but I guess it just didn't really catch my attention, but I'm just postin' this draft so I could have an excuse I uploaded something 😂😂😂)

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