The Doctor's Visit

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*Makiya's POV*

I woke up to find that I was in Diggy's arms, not Ray's. I started to cry because I was still confused on why he would hurt me the way he did. I must have been crying reallly loud because I woke up Diggy.

Diggy: What's wrong, Kiya?

Me: Why'd he hurt me like that?

Diggy: I don't know.

Me: I'm pregnant with his child. I just don't know what to do.

Diggy: You're what now?

Me: *laughing* I'm pregnant.

Diggy: When did this happen?!

Me: A few months ago and stop talking to me like you're my father.

Diggy: Sorry. He better not deny that baby either...

Me: He didn't. Go make me breakfast.

Diggy: Cool. What you want?

Me: I want a egg and cheese omlette with bacon and sausage and a glass of orange juice.

Diggy: Girl, this ain't no iHop but you lucky I'm your friend.

Me: Lol okay..Imma go get ready cuz I have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 am.

Diggy: Okay..your food will be ready when you finished gettin ready.

Me: Excellente.

I climbed out of Diggy's bed and went to the bathroomdown the hall. I took a shower and when I got out I brushed my teeth and went in the guest room to get dressed and do my hair. I was wearing a black and white hang off the shoulder shirt that said 'DIVA', some black skinny jeans, and my black and white Jordan's.

I went downstairs and sure enough my breakfast was ready.

Me: Thanks, Diggy.

Diggy: Your welcome, bestie. Is Ray coming to doctor's office too?

Me: Yeah. I was just about to call and remind him.

Diggy: Okay.

Diggy started to look kinda angry.

Me: What's wrong, Diggy?

Diggy: Nothing.

Me: Yes, there is.

Diggy: I just don't want him to hurt you okay.

Me: Oh. But, we do need to work things out.


I felt tears well up in my eyes and I think Diggy noticed too.

Diggy: *huge sigh* I just want you to be happy and I can be the one to make you happy if you let me.

Me: I just want him to be in his child's life and I know you'll be great for a boyfriend but I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now.

Diggy: I know and I completely understand.

Diggy pulled me up from my chair and hugged me tightly and out of the blue he kissed me. I definitely didn't hesitate to kiss back.

After we finished our makeout session I called Ray to make sure he remembered I had a doctor's appointment and he did.

*In Diggy's Car*

Diggy: You ready for this?

Me: Ready for what?

Diggy: To see what your baby looks like. Duh.

Me: I'm not even 6 months yet. I'm going to see if the baby is having any complications.

Diggy: Oh okay.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the doctor's office and Ray was standing outside. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

Me: Hey, Ray.

Ray: Hey.

Me: You ready?

Ray: Yeah. I hope the baby doesnt have any complications.

Me: Me too.

Ray: What's up, Diggy

Diggy: Wussup.

Ray gave diggy a weird look but I just shrugged it off and walked in the building. They follwed behind and sat in the waiting area while I got my paper work. I sat in the middle of both of them just in case some drama popped off.

Once I was finished and turned everything in, I waited for about ten minutes before the doctor called me back and of course I bought Diggy and Ray.

She took me to the room where I got to hear the baby's heart beat and I found out that it didn't have any complications. But when we left that's when the drama started.

Ray: So, Makiya. You're staying with him?

Me: Yeah. Just for a little while.

Diggy: Why are you worried about it?

Ray got in his face.

Ray: Because she's my girl and she's having my baby.

Me: Y'all please dont fight please.

My begging didn't help at all.

Diggy: Obviously shes not if you cheated on her.

Ray: Makiya, you told him I cheated on you?

Me: I mean, yeah. I was crying and I told him that you cheated on me with your ex girlfriend because you did.

Ray: I didn't.

Diggy: Yeah right.

Me: Diggy can you please stop.

Diggy: Fine.

Ray: I'm leavin now.

I went and gave him a hug.

Me: Bye.

Ray: Bye. I'll talk to you later okay.

Me: Okay.

Then Ray walked back to his car and me and Diggy walked back to his and I stared at him.

Diggy: What?

Me: Why'd you say that? Why'd you start an argument?

Diggy: Because.

Me: Because what?! You know Ray has a short temper. I didn't want you or him to get hurt.

We stopped at a red light and he pecked my lips.

Diggy: I'm sorry. I just didn't want him to say anything to you to hurt you.

Me: Okay.

We rode the rest of the ride home in silence. When we got home, Diggy helped me out of the car and walked me up the stairs to the porch. When we got inside I went straight upstairs to lay down and Diggy went to the bathroom.

I was crying when I felt his arms wrap around me.

Diggy: Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Me: I just don't want you or Ray to fight. Y'all have to get along for the baby's sake.

Diggy: I know. I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?

I wiped my tears.

Me: A little.

Diggy: What do you want me to do to make you stop being mad at me?

Me: Ummmmmmmmmm...................................

Diggy: Hurry up, slow poke.

Me: *laughing* Okay. Um..

Instead of letting me finish he kissed me. And a kiss it was.

For the rest of the night we stayed up watching movies and making out. I really think I'm falling for him. Maybe me and Diggy could work out. Maybe.



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