We're Back!

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*Makiya's POV*

Me:Yes. Really.

Diggy: But, baby can't we just work this out?

Me: No. You tried to fight my ex, you were being mean to me and - *GCO*

Diggy slapped me. He hit me. I started crying and I held my face while laying on the floor.

Diggy: What if I make you stay?

He climbed on top of me and I tried to push him off but he just slapped me again.

Diggy: Don't try to push me off. Now, get your ass on the bed.

I did as he said because I didn't want to get hit again. He kept trying to pull my pants down and I kept trying to stop him.

Diggy: Stop! Take your pants off.

Me: O-okay.

Diggy: Shut up with all that crying.

I tried to stop but I just couldn't. I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. Why was he doing this? Scared of being hit again, I let him do what he was doing.

About an hour later, he packed my bags and kicked me out. I got out my phone and called Ray. Since my car was in the shop I had no ride.

(Phone Convo)

Ray: Hello?

Me: Ray. Can you come get me? I need you right now.

Ray: Yeah. Where are you?

Me: Down the street from Diggy's house. He kicked me out.

Ray: Why? What happened?

Me: I'll explain when you get here.

Ray: Alright. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Me: Okay.

I waited for 5 minutes and like he said he was there in five minutes. He got out of the car and gave me a hug, I started crying.

Ray: What's the matter?

Me: H-he hit me a-and he raped me.

Ray: Oh hell naw! Get in the car. He is not about to put his hands on my girl and rape her when he know shes pregnant.

Me: What are you about to do?

Ray: Beat his ass.

Ray pulled his car up to the house and got out. I got out too.

Ray: Why are you getting out?

Me: I don't want you to get hurt.

Ray: Come on.

He grabbed my hand and we walked up the steps to his porch and knocked on the door. He answered on the second knock.

Ray hit him in his face whiched caused him to step back into his house. Ray kept hiting him in his face.

(A/N they are on the floor)

Ray: Nigga, don't you ever lay your hands on my girl ever again. Matter of fact, don't even speak to her, touch her or even look at her.

Diggy pushed Ray off of him and got up.

Diggy: I don't want that pregnant bitch anyway.

Me: I'm a bitch now? I wasn't a bitch when you said that you could make me happy, was I?

Ray: Baby, calm down. I got this.

Me: Fine.

Diggy: You know what? Get the fuck out of my house.

Me: Gladly.

Ray: Lets go, Kiya.

Ray grabbed my hand again and we walked out of his house. We got in the car and pulled off.

Ray: You hungry? We can stop at Subway or McDonald's.

Me: No. Is Princeton back home yet?

Ray: No. He will be back home tomorrow.

Me: Oh. I'm sorry.

Ray: Sorry for what?

Me: Leaving you, not trusting you, dating him.

Ray: Babe, you have nothing to be sorry about?

Me: I don't?

Ray: No. I know why you left and why you dated him. But, it's over now.

Me: You forgive me?

Ray: Of course, I forgive you. Do you forgive me?

Me: Yes.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

Me: Ahh...

Ray: What's the matter?

Me: I think the baby just kicked me.

Ray: Awww.

He put his hand on my growing belly and rubbed it.

Ray: I can't wait til it comes.

Me: Neither can I.

We got back home and Prodigy and Roc Royal greeted us.

Prodigy: KIYA! You're back! Finally!

He ran over and gave me a really big hug.

Me: Yeah, I'm back but why are you so happy?

Prodigy: Because I get to finally have some chicken.

Me: You ain't been making his chicken, Ray?

Ray: Lol no.

Me: Oh my gosh.

Roc: Wussup, bestie! I missed you!

Me: Hey. I missed you too.

Roc: So, what are we about to do?

Me: I'm going to bed. I'm tired.

Ray: Me too.

Prod&Roc: Aight. Night.

Me: Night.

I went upstairs and took a shower and put on my pajamas and went to Ray's room. He was already passed out in his underwear so I climbed into bed with him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Boy, have I missed this.



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