New Member of the Mindless Family!

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*Ray's POV*

I heard Kiya calling my name and screaming for help in the restroom so I went in to help her.

Me: Kiya?! Are you okay, baby?

Kiya: No! I think my water just broke!

Me: At four months?!

Kiya: I don't know.

Me: Come, lets drive back to the hospital and see whats wrong.

Kiya: Okay.

She walked out of the stall and her pants was soaked. Damn. How was we gonna get by this crowd without getting stares?

We quickly walked out of there and got in the car.

Prod: Damn, girl! What you do, miss the toilet?

Kiya: No, I think my water broke.

Prod,Prince,&Roc: We just left the hospital.

Prince: I been in there for a month. I don't wanna go back. But, did y'all find out the gender of the baby?

Me&Kiya: Yeah. It's a girl.

Roc: What y'all gon' name her?

Kiya: I haven't decided yet.

Me: I have. Rayana Marie Smith.

Kiya: Awwweee, I love that name! Ughhhhhhhhh! I got a cramp again!

Me: I knew you would. And don't you mean a contraction?

We pulled up to the hospital and I helped Kiya get out of the car and walked her to the desk.

Me: Labor and delivery please.

Receptionist: 5th floor

Me: Thanks.

We all got on the elevator and Prince pressed 5.

Kiya: OUUUCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ray: We almost there, babe. I know you're in pain.

We got to the fifth floor and they got her in a room almost immeadiately. They hooked her up to the IV machine and about thirty minutes later the nurse came in.

Nurse: Hello, I'm nurse Lee.

Everybody: Hello.

Nurse Lee: Makiya, how long have you been having contractions.

Kiya: Since yesterday, but I'm only four months it's too early.

Nurse Lee: Actually, you're 8 months.

Kiya: WHAAAT?! I went to the doctor a week ago and she said I was four months!

Nurse Lee: She calculated wrong.

Kiya: Oh.

NL: Do you want to get an epidural to help with the pain.

Kiya: Yes, please.

NL: Okay, I'll be right back.

She left to go get an epidural.

Me: Damn, babe. That doctor wasn't so smart if she thought you were 4 months.

Kiya: I know.

*Kiya's POV*

I'm eight months pregnant?! This is so surreal. Like my baby girl is about to be born in a few hours.


Ray,Roc,Prod&Prince: Contraction again?

Me: Lol yeah.

Prince: What's so funny?

Me: Y'all said it at the same time.

Nurse Lee came back with my epidural and an hour later it started to kick in.

NL: You're fully dialated. It's time for you to give birth!

Me: Already?

NL: Yes.

Me: Okay.

She called my doctor back and she came in.

Dr: Hello, I'm Dr. Stacie, I will be helping give birth.

Me: Hello

Dr Stacie: You ready? Who's the father?

Me: The one over there with the two braids and the grey sweatshirt on.

DS: Okay. He can stay but everyone else must exit the room

Everyone: Okay.

*2 hrs later*

Me: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

DS: Come on. Just two more pushes and she'll be here.

I pushed harder and she came right on out. I heard her first cry and my heart melted.

Me: I hate you, Ray.

Ray: Why?

Me: Cause you put me through this.

Ray: I'm sorry.

Dr. Stacie brought her over to us.

Me: Awwweee..she's beautiful.

Ray: Just like you.

Ray pecked my lips.

DS: Do you have a name for her yet?

Ray: Yes. Rayana Marie Smith.

DS: Okay. Just sign her birth certificate and you'll be ready to go in about 45 minutes. I'll tell your friends they can come back here now.

The boys came back and Ray and I signed her birth certificate.

Princeton: Awee, look how pretty my niece is.

Roc: I know, right. Can I hold her, Kiya?

Me: Yeah, just don't speak loud. She's sleeping.

Roc: Okay.

45 minutes later, I was released and we could go home now.

We got home.

Roc: I have a surprise for you, Kiya.

Me: What is it?

Roc: Come on.

I followed behind Roc as we walked up the stairs. He stopped at the guest room door.

Roc: You ready.

Me: Yes.

He opened the door and the room was painted light pink and it had girl things and clothes in there.

Me: Oh my gosh. Thank you.

Roc: You're welcome. But, I got Rayana another surprise too.

Me: You didn't have to, Roc.

Roc: I know. I wanted to.

I sat Rayana in her crib and he came back with a shoe box in one hand and a bag in the other.

Roc: Just so she could have her uncle's swag, I got her this.

He opened the box and there was some pink Air Jordans in there. Then he handed me the bag and it had a pink outfit and the shirt said 'I WUV MY UNCLE!'.

Me: Awee thanks, Roc.

Roc: You welcome.

We let Rayana sleep and went downstairs and got some of Ray's chicken. Man, it was good.

After I ate, I went to check on Rayana and she was whining a little so I changed her diaper and fed her and she went back to sleep.

I went to take a shower and go to bed.

I love my life.


Sooo, she had her baby! I'm soo sorry for uploading late but I've been super stressed. But, thanks for all the reads!


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