Chapter Three

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When we come upon the wooden doors, they are closed. Illius and I exchange a confused look. The doors should be ajar if there is not meeting being conducted, and since I am the one who called for the assembly, there is no good reason why the inhabitants should be barred from the world outside without my presence among them. Not unless they are talking amongst each other, and wish to keep the topic of the conversation to themselves.

A slight frown tugs at the corners of my mouth at the discovery. Illius moves towards the doors to hold them open for me to enter, but I stop him with a hand on his sleeve.

I answer his curious look with a statement. "Come in with me."

It is proper for a Guardsmen to wait outside while his charge conducts business like this, but the circumstances make me feel uneasy. It is worrisome enough that the men on the Council do not see me fit to stand in for the King and Queen while they are away, so even the slightest insinuation of conspiracy makes me wary of them. I need to know that at least one person in the enclosed room is on my side.

Illius does not hesitate in nodding his head, no question about my request. "As you wish, Sandy."

I release his arm and nod for the door to be opened. A hush falls over the room as I stride through the threshold, shoulders back and head high with Sage at my heel. My voice is as loud and clear as a bell in the steeple of a church. "You close doors in my own house. Have you found an interesting topic to discuss? Please, do enlighten me." I come to the head of the table and turn out to face the men who stand from their chairs in my presence. After giving their obligatory bows, they take their seats and the motion of my hand.

"Nothing of note, Your Highness," The head of my father's Council speaks from the seat closest to my own, dipping his head in another bow, pleading to be pardoned. "There was simply a draft, so we decided to close the doors until your arrival. We mean no disrespect."

I fix Mabon with a cool look, observing him as he speaks his excuse. I admit that it is a more than plausible one, as the castle is often apt to be cold this time of year, but I let his body language speak what his words do not. He rubs the tip of his nose with his index finger, and his eyes dart to his folded hands for just a moment, unable to completely hold my gaze. He is hiding something, though whether it has something to do with a plot against me or not is hard to discern. If anyone were to orchestrate such an act, however, it would be Mabon.

"Of course," I say, taking my seat smoothly since I have no weapon to move out of my way. Sage sits in unison at my side, resting her head on the arm of my chair. She is tall enough that she can keep her gaze fixated on the men on either side of me without a problem, and her amber eyes do not shift from their tense faces. They know quite well that she is the only weapon that I need.

There is a total of eight men on the King and Queen's Council, all of which are well past their prime. They have the wisdom of ages and are excellent at making logical decisions when their advice is needed. I, however, am a prodigy in the way of sensible thinking and have no issues with executing an idea or plan without the guidance of someone else. I may not be particularly gifted in some aspects of my Princely duties, but knowing when to proceed with ideas is not one of my shortcomings. I have not called these men here for their advising.

Having shut the doors, Illius comes up behind me, standing silently at my right side. This draws the attention of the men at the table, who cast glowers at him, no doubt feeling intruded upon. Never before has a Guard followed their royal into the Council room for a meeting, for never before has a royal felt threatened by them.

A second man, Lionel, speaks up in his nasal voice, fixing my Captain with a dark gaze. He points a wobbly, accusing finger at me. "Why do you allow your Guard inside with us, Prince?"

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