Chapter Eleven

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By the time that I finish with Duke Adolphus, I find myself catching a stumble as I ascend the Dungeon stairs, exhausted by the events that took place. As it turns out, there was not much more to learn. As Sandy had already deduced from the brief interaction he had with Adolphus earlier in the day, he was responsible for Mabon's betrayal, but there seems to be no one else in the castle who effectively turned against my Prince by the silver tongue of the Duke. I am quite certain that he would not dare tell a lie at the moment he confessed everything to me. Considering he could not even control his blatter, he certainly could not manage to hold a thought long enough to concoct one of his infamous fibs.

My silent arrival startles Talon, who waits outside of the door. He jumps in surprise when I force the swollen door open but quickly recovers from it, coaching his face into a neutral expression upon seeing me. He, along with the rest of my Guard, are quite used to my cat-like footsteps, though their reactions have yet to cease entertaining me. 

Talon has changed into a fresh uniform and the crust of dirt is scrubbed from his face. He managed the time to shave the stubble from his jaw, however, his brown eyes are still shadowed with clear exhaustion. I hate to send him back into the depths of the putrid Dungeon, even if it will be worlds more silent than it was before. I am not certain when the prisoners will gain the courage to speak again, to each other or otherwise. 

The ponderous Guardsmen looks me up and down as if searching for an injury. He knows better than to ask what went on in his absence, though the curiosity arches his brow and reflects in his eyes. "You look abysmal, Captain." He states matter-of-factly, taking his position beside the doorframe back.

I offer a weakened smile, drawing as much strength from it as possible. The light that shines into the corridor from the row of windows chases away what residual darkness lurks inside of my veins, and I soak it in like a plant. "Thank you, Talon," I wedge the water-logged door shut behind me, though it does little to seal the stench into the stairwell. "There is no need to go back down until meal time, they are no threat. You may stay on the upper level to keep watch for intruding visitors until Suilain comes to relieve you."

Talon's thick brows raise together for a moment, and he glances at the door behind my shoulder as if he can see down to the prisoners to glimpse their condition for himself. He gives a slow nod and drags his gaze back to my face, doing his best to control an uneasy expression. I can see the thought flicker across his mouth, drawing it into a tight line; I truly am a danger without Alex to pacify me.

I smile more fully at the thought and hand the whip back to Talon. He inspects its tail for a long moment, no doubt searching for crimson stains on the dark leather. He will find none, but I say nothing of it, allowing him to draw his own observations.

"I will be going now. Keep up the superb work, Talon." I pat his shoulder and turn to leave.

"To you, as well, Captain." He gives a respectful nod as I walk away, though I can feel his stare boring into my back as I disappear down the hall.

 On my way back to the Royal chambers, a voice calls out to me from a room I've just passed. I turn around, expecting to see Abby waving after me, so I am surprised to discover Bellamy on his way out of the Library. 

My expression visibly darkens. I did not want to deal with Abigor, but he would be a preferred disturbance over the foreign Prince. I do not stop walking, though slow my pace well enough for him to catch up to my strides. If he would like to converse with me, he will have to do it while we walk. I have already been away from Sandy for too long; he could wake up at any moment and he will not be happy to discover that I am missing. I do not wish to go into detail to explain what I was doing in the absence.

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