Chapter Twenty-One

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The market place is surprisingly crowded, despite the lateness of the day. The crowd parts for us as we enter, however, making it easy for us to make our way through the stalls. This is one of the nicest parts of the city, and I am glad to see that the place is still teaming with life; hopefully, it serves as a good enough apology to Bellamy for our last stop on his tour. 

Sage remains calmly beside me as my people pause their shopping to greet me, smiling widely and offering bows and salutations. I recognize a woman who is a servant at the castle as she picks through the vegetables being offered for sale at a stall. She looks unimpressed with the half-rotten produce, but after comparing two turnips, sets the less rancid one in her shopping basket and pays the man who tends the stall. It is hard to come by any truly fresh produce lately, but the market smells heavily of fish today, indicating a good haul for the fishermen. It explains the turnout since those who can afford it will do nearly anything for fresh food for their families. 

The servant woman, whose name I have unfortunately forgotten, looks behind her to see what the sudden commotion is about and smiles when she sees us. She quickly drops the necessary coins into the tender's hand before vacating the stall and elbowing her way over. 

I notice Bellamy leave the group to survey a stall nearby that is selling gems, some of the rarest finds available at the market. Nearly no one can afford stalls such as that one, except for members of the Court and high ranking Knights or Guardsmen. I think to warn him of possible fraudulent vendors at this market, but decide that it does not matter. If he is foolish enough to wander to the hooded men and women with their products spread on the ground, rather than at stalls, then it is not my concern if he spends his money on fake jewelry. 

"Your Highness!" The maid greets, smile bright. Her blue eyes flicker from me to Illius, who offers a weak smile in response to her advance and steps partially in front of me, too distracted to care about subtlety. "It is a surprise to see you out and about. Are you feeling better?" 

It takes her question to realize that she is one of the servants who gathered at my collapsing near the dungeon stairwell. I clear my throat in embarrassment but nod. "I am, thank you. I am giving our guest a tour of the city today." 

"Oh,  I see! How lovely of you to do it, yourself," The maid says, eyes darting again in Illius' direction. She seems a bit offended that he is not applying himself to the conversation, likely feeling hopeful that he would try to flirt with her as he usually might. 

"Not at all. My guest was quite insistent that I show him, myself."I do not bother to conceal the vexation in my tone, casting a correlating glance in Bellamy's direction. He is holding up a necklace to the light, squinting at the red jewels that decorate it. 

The maid offers a polite smile but follows my gaze to him. "Oh, my," She expresses her concern upon finding him at the particular vendor. "I mean no disrespect, Your Highness, however, should you allow your guest to wander so freely?" 

 The seller is known for holding his prices much too high for the products that he offers. Though the gems themselves are not counterfeit, they are the poorest quality and the smallest sizes available on the market. 

I offer a shrug, watching as Bellamy resumes a bored expression and sets the necklace back on the table. "I have no concern, he is capable enough to watch out for himself."

 As I finish my sentence, the vendor of the stall seems to attempt to persuade Bellamy that the jewelry is of the lowest cost and the highest quality in attempts to regain his interest. Bellamy leans forward and begins to say something in an angry tone, though I cannot discern his words, which sends the gruff man looking from side to side nervously to the small crowd that gathers around them. 

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