Chapter Twenty-Two

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My Uncle meets us just outside of the castle, returning from some errand of his. Immediately upon seeing the sobbing, injured woman in Illius' iron hold, his face drains of blood and he drops his parcel, running over to me. 

Sage's warning growl makes him think better of reaching to touch my face, and he withdraws his hands, running them through his hair instead. "What in heaven's name happened?" The strain in his voice is audible as he tries to keep the excitement from his tone, hyperaware of Sage's eyes on him. 

I place a hand on the Chimera's head and continue my advancement forward, following after Illius. "I will explain indoors, Uncle. I assure you, I am unharmed."

Lance trails slightly behind to avoid getting too close to Sage, as Bellamy has yet to budge from his place on my left side. "Bless that devil creature." I hear him mutter, seeming to address Sage. I recall him saying something similar that last time that she detained a threat to my safety, though it was several years ago. 

Once inside, Illius does not pause with us but continues on his way to the dungeon. Two of my Guardsmen, who were taking a break inside of the Dining Hall, see us pass by the doorway and curiously peek their heads into the hallway. Upon seeing the blood trail left from the servant woman's wound, they leap into action, immediately going to follow after their Captain. 

I hear Illius bark an order at them before Joshiah and Felix obediently fall behind and change their course for me. 

Felix is looking better than he did yesterday, though I still feel guilty for having him resume his duty early. His eyes shine with worry as they scan me over, searching thoroughly for any visible wounds. "My Lord," He greets, bowing his head and creating a fist over his heart that Joshiah mirrors. "Are you alright?" 

I have yet to take my eyes from Illius' back as he continues marching down the hallway, ignoring the woman's babbling please to be released from his tight grip. "Yes," It sounds unconvincing, even to my own ears. I feel drained of energy and wish for nothing more than rest, though I know that sleep will not come, even if I do attempt it. I feel restless and strange being at odds with Illius, something that I am unaccustomed to. My Captain has always been a steadfast place for me to seek out when I am out of sorts, so I have no idea how I should feel when he is acting this way. Though I know, logically, that he is angry with himself, I cannot help but feel as though I am the cause for his agony. I need for things to be sorted out with him before one of us collapses into ourselves from trying to bear the weight of our struggles alone. A structure will always crumble in time without one of its pillars. 

"You are not fine," Lance says, voice laden with frustration. "Please, tell us what has happened. Why is that Wolf behaving so aloofly? It is unlike him to escort a prisoner by himself, rather than staying beside you." 

After a moment of expectant silence, Bellamy sighs and speaks in my place. "Since you have chosen to be mute, I will tell them. Alexander was attacked today, though that woman that your 'Wolf' has in tow is as innocent as any of the bystanders in the marketplace. I doubt that he will take that into consideration, however, so I recommend you give him the proper orders before he begins torturing her."

My brow furrows and I cut Bellamy a glare that could freeze a lake. "He would never act so rashly without my permission. Do not speak of Illius as if you know him. You do not know either one of us nearly as well as you think you do." 

Bellamy folds his arms, taking on an amused expression. "Oh, is that so? I believe that every man here at present knows at least one thing about the two of you that neither one of you seems to be aware of." 

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