Chapter Twenty

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Illius looks iller than I have ever seen him in our lives and considering that he cannot catch sickness the way that a human can, so this makes me very anxious. The sight makes me uneasy as I have never seen my Captain in any unwell state before in my existence. His eyes roll fitfully behind his eyelids and his skin feels hot beneath my palm, though he does not sweat, further leaving me to believe that he is physically incapable of doing so. It feels as though a snake coils itself inside of my gut as I look down at him, watching helplessly as he is exposed to the unknown.

"He will be quite alright," Serilda assures me, standing from her seat and walking over to retrieve my nearly empty cup. She turns her back as she takes the cup to the fireplace, where the kettle is still hanging over the flame and begins to make me another cup of the unique tea. "He has you looking out for him, after all. I believe that his father would be proud of the way he looks after you. Illius was the only one who truly understood the old King's ideas." 

Bellamy makes a noise in his throat to express his differing opinion on the matter, drumming the fingers of one hand atop the table. "That Sidhe King was a fool if you ask me. What sort of relationship did he have with the human King, anyway? Friends do not often damn themselves for one another." 

Despite his apparent boredom with the events happening around him, I note the way that Bellamy's free hand rests at the hilt of his sword as his gaze trails Serilda attentively. It seems that he does intend to keep his word to Illius, after all. Perhaps Bellamy is more than he lets others believe.

When Serilda returns to bring my refreshment, she pauses to look over the table at Illius to check on his progress. A growl from Sage warning Serilda of her proximity to me produces a small smile from her. Serilda shakes her head and slides the cup the rest of the way to me before backing off and returning to her side of the table. 

"They were infatuated with each other, of course," Serilda says in response to Bellamy's question. I ignore her pointed gaze as she settles back onto her cushion and makes to continue speaking on the topic, attempting to smother the annoyance that it brings me. "It was far more than friendship."

Bellamy lifts his lip in disgust at the revelation. "Do you mean to say that they were..."

"Lovers?" Serilda says the word freely, taking a casual sip from her teacup. "Of sorts, I suppose they were. Not in a physical way, of course. They both had wives and children to consider. Sometimes, soulmates do not belong to the corresponding genders that they usually would. Occasionally they appear to us as friends."

Sage sighs and rests her head on the table, reacting to my distress. I reach my free hand to stroke her ears apologetically. I am alright. You are doing well. 

Sage licks my knuckles with a whine. Want to go.

I know, we will leave soon. You are being a good girl. Curiously, my eyes flicker to Serilda across the table. Do you remember her?

Sage heaves another sigh, redirecting her gaze to our host. Only you. You mine.

Serilda bears a secretive smile as she watches me silently interact with Sage, her eyes reminded me of a cat's as they catch the light of the fire beside her. "It is interesting. The whole lot of you are strange, really. You have named the Chimera, yes?"

I nod, clearing my throat against a tickle. Even though I would very much like to accept the refilled beverage to satiate the inconvenient itch in my lungs, I have no one to pass it as safe for me to consume. I may have just witnessed her pour it for myself, but her back was to me the entire time so I could not see her slip something into it if she wanted to. "Sage. My mother gave the title to her before I was born." 

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