Chapter Fourteen

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Sage does not growl when Lance's knock sounds on the door, sensing that my animosity towards him has dwindled enough that she no longer considers him a threat. She lifts her head to watch him cross the room but makes no move to stand and escort him as usual, contented to stay beside me. She rests one of her enormous paws on my leg as she lifts her head to follow Lance across the room with her burning eyes. 

He is later than I expected, but I say nothing of it. He was surely making certain that Illius and I had ample time to finish our meal and settle in before making his entrance. In addition, I am sure that Lance feels some level of anxiety at this pending discussion, being as aware of his position as he is. 

Lance does not meet our heavy gazes, instead busying himself by selecting a chair from a small table near the center of the room. He quietly picks it up to set it closer to us, seeing that we have no intention of getting up to meet him there. He moves his sword out of the way and sits uncomfortably in his seat, close to edge as if he would like to run from this pending conversation. He licks his dry lips and clears his throat, looking at his hands instead of my face. "You do not have a Guard watching your door," He states the obvious, dancing around the real subject that we've gathered to discuss as if hoping he will be able to derail our train of thought.

"Illius is enough," I say curtly, fixing him with my weighty stare. "Look at me, Lance. You are on thin ice with my trust in you. Keeping secrets from me is not something I allow to go on inside of my inner circle, you know this well. You should begin your explanation as soon as you can before you fall through."

I cannot tell whether it is the cold edge in my voice or the way that I address him by name, or perhaps it is that the three of us sit so closely together, excluding him from our pack, watching him with the same look in our eyes. Possibly the combination of all of these factors draws a wounded expression from him, and he finally looks up. He does not meet my eyes, however, but goes to Illius, as if thinking he is the safest to look at first. Whatever he sees there makes him shiver, and he reluctantly redirects his attention to me. 

He is right to feel guilty, and I make no attempt to hide my feelings from showing on my face. Lance makes to look away from my eyes, seeing the steel in them and feeling their bite but seems to know better. He is aware that if he looks away from me right now, that he will be the one holding the hammer that breaks the ice he stands on. "You can be so cold, Nephew. Your mother was never this way." The disappointment in his voice does nothing to thaw the ice water in my veins. He should know by now that his attempt at guilting me will do nothing to earn him my pity. I am not nearly as soft or forgiving as the Queen; I have a completely different mindset.

"I am not my mother. Now, quit your stalling. What are you keeping from me about Illius? You would be wise to speak very soon," As if on cue, Sage lets loose a growl that vibrates against my leg, wordlessly backing up my threat.

Lance shakes his head but keeps my gaze, searching my face for any sign of mercy. "Lyra knew about this, as well. I only kept it from you because she asked it of me. Your father does not even know about it." His voice is pleading, seeming to hope that bringing my mother's will into this will change my mind.

I feel a slight pang in my chest at the reveal, but my intent does not budge. After teaching me about betrayal and preparing me to combat it, my mother is the one who holds the key to this door that she shut with her own hands. I swallow the stone in my throat, finding comfort in Illius' proximity to me. As it turns out, he may be the only one who has never lied to me. "No matter, you will not keep it from me."

Lance's smile is sad and small, hiding behind his beard but showing in his eyes, seeing that his pleas have gotten him nowhere. "As you wish. Be aware, however, my Dear Nephew; your mother is no fool. There is very good reasoning behind her decision to keep this from you both."

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