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Toni woke up to her daily routine on a fresh, Monday morning to the sound of her ringing alarm clock on her bedside table. 'Typical Monday Blues.'
Her bouncy best friend Felicity texted two messages.

'Oi lazy bum, get your butt out of bed,' 'and by the way Happy Birthdayyyyyyy.'

By then her eyes had fully adjusted to the messages and she replied,

'Thank you so much, how about birthday drinks after work?'

She placed her phone back down and stood up to stretch quickly before walking out of her bedroom to the bathroom to do the casual morning wash up.

Then she entered her room and opened her wardrobe doors to look for the perfect, yet trendy work outfit to wear for the newest day of her growing older. She picked a classic navy blue dress and paired it off with her jet black blazer and black heels, she quickly got changed, and straightened her hair to see her phone ringing. She walked over and picked it up, "Hello," she answered and with that she got back,

"Heyy beautiful, happy birthday once again and of course birthday drinks after you finished work, I've got the day off, but you deserve it. That boss of yours doesn't give you a break does he? Speaking of the drinks are on me, so bring your liver," Felicity replied and with that Toni giggled and quickly responded,

"I know, but that's what bosses are for I mean he's paying me, but babes I got to go now I got to fix my hair and face before grabbing coffee and heading out, see you tonight love you beautiful mwah, she hung up the phone and threw it onto her bed.

She walked over to her mirror, which contained her table full of hair products, makeup products it was the only place that was a mess and she rushed through straightening her hair and dabbing some makeup on.

She left her unmade bed till later and walked into her kitchen pouring herself a quick cup of coffee and drinking it as she was getting everything ready for work within the hour.

After breakfast which was an apple and 2 cups of black coffee, she left her small apartment locking the door with her phone in one hand and her bag in the other.

Next thing she knew as she was walking to the elevator of her building, her phone buzzed, it lit up it was her boss, she answered, "Hello Boss,"

"Toni, I need you to grab two lattes and two black coffees before you arrive, and as soon as my first meeting is finished I would like to see you, there is a matter I need to discuss with you," he demanded.

She replied, "Yes sir, right away boss, I'll be there in no time," her phone hung up and she threw it into her bag before rushing out of the doors.

Apart from the fact her stomach was in knots about what he said, she couldn't help but think, what matter?, have I been slacking off?, I hope I don't get fired! But she knew she had to try to keep her mind at ease as she entered the regular coffee shop that her boss likes.

Luckily, no one was in a line, so she made her order and paid it. As she waited she paced a little bit, then grabbed the coffees and made her way to work.

She arrived to work in no time, it only took 3 minutes after leaving the coffee shop, she made her way around the people who took their coffees and left the last one for boss man. She walked up to his door slightly nervous, because her heart was racing and her palms were slightly sweaty, she gave his door a light knock and he shouted, "Enter," she opened the door and brought his coffee to him,

"Thanks Miss Grace, you may leave us now, but don't forget to come see me once we are done," he reminded her. She politely spoke, "Will do Boss," and walked out of the room, giving out a breathless breath more like a pant and quickly rushed to her desk.

Toni sat down on her plump chair and started logging into her computer to a list of emails from each department. One from the boss man telling her to photocopy a letter of recommendation for each politician the newest lawyer to enter building next week. One from department C asking her type up a whole bunch of repetitive paragraphs and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Once she had completed all her tasks, and had posted out all the letters, the boss man had finished his meeting with the CO of Law and enforcement and his team. She knew it was finished because they had all started exiting the room.

Then Mr. Patsy left the room, "Miss Grace, meet me in my office in five minutes, don't be late!" Barely having time to reply she nodded and then ran to the bathroom to check herself. She straightened out her dress and fixed her hair and blazer. She left the bathroom and made her way to Mr. Patsy's office. She knocked once and he shouted, "Enter!" She twisted the door knob and walked in.

"Have a seat Miss Grace and please oh please do wipe that worried look off your face, you aren't fired, he chuckled and she shook her head and said, "Thank heavens, I feel not as worried now, so why did you ask me in here then?"

"Well Toni, as you well you have been a great asset to me over the past three years and you have done nothing, but the been the most hardworking, assertive secretary that I've had in a long time and I want to thank you for all your hard work, plus I know today's your birthday so this will make it more of a thanks," he stopped and then continued.

"Me and the law firm would like to offer the gratitude and thanks by sending you on a holiday away for a month to Paris, we've rounded up the money for your ticket and spending money whatever you needed, I hope you have a passport, because you are going to need it. Your flight leaves on Wednesday at 7am, well done," with that paragraph of words, Toni was speechless, she could barely move. "I can't believe it, thank you so much," she returned to breathing and gave the biggest smile ever.

"You deserve it, now I've given you the rest of today off and tomorrow to pack and do whatever you need to do, just make sure you log out and tidy your desk before leaving, and please enjoy yourself, you could do with some fun in your life," he handed over the ticket and an envelope of one thousand euros.

She shook his hand and left his office. She couldn't believe what had just happened, it was like a dream come true. An adventure away. A chance to have some fun.

She returned to her desk and packed up, then left the building and shouted to herself, with her arms above her head,"YESSSS."

Well guys you know what to do if you enjoyed the first chapter of the fanfiction give it a vote and a comment below or if you didn't like it let me know it's all words. I'm gonna post below her work outfit ❤️

 I'm gonna post below her work outfit ❤️

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