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After having her little moment of happiness, she picked up her bag and made her way home. Her first order of business was to inform the friend of this little gift, okay this big gift of gratitude.

She fell back onto her bed with her phone in her hand ringing Felicity, but of course when she rings it takes ages to come through.

Finally, she answered, "Sorry I was busy planning tonight's festivities, what is up?" Toni couldn't contain her excitement, so she blurted it out,

"My boss is sending me to Paris for a month for my birthday because of what I've done for him over the past three years I can't believe it, I'm disappointed that it's only one ticket, but it's not every day that your boss gives you a proper holiday. Felicity? Are you there?" Asking to cause the phone was silent.

Next before she knew it, she got screams down the phone, "AHHHHH, oh my days your well worthy of this trip it'll be just as good as tonight, so when do you leave?" Her crazy friend shouted over the phone,

"I leave Wednesday morning at seven, but I got tonight and tomorrow off so I'm free to party all night, we going to have some wild night,"Toni responded.

"Indeed we are babe, right I got to go finish planning, enjoy yourself and see ya tonight byeeee mwah," with that the phone call ended. Toni still couldn't believe it, her mind was full of words, but her body and mouth was speechless. She had never left the country let alone fly the whole way to the romantic and adventurous place in the world.

The furthest she had ever been to travel was Scotland and it was like a day trip with Felicity, but not as special as going to a different country. She didn't know what to do first, she must get her outfit for tonight and start little bits of packing and oh, find her suitcase.

She changed firstly out of her work attire, and into gym bottoms and black vest top pairing off with plain ankle socks and tying her thin, blonde hair back. She opened her wardrobe and found her suitcase stashed away at the top corner of the left side shelf.

She grabbed her chair in front of her mirror and stood on it to reach up and grab it before setting it down on the floor. She spluttered a little cough as the amount of dust it had obtained and wiped it away from the deep-sea blue case. She unzipped it in the circular motion it had and found all the necessary items she kept hidden from every losing it, like her passport, extra envelope of money for emergencies and a few family photos that were sacred to her as a child. She moved the contents of the items out and zipped it back up, setting it to one side.

Toni looked back to her wardrobe to find something to wear for tonight, she went through each item of clothing until she found a beautiful two piece of a jet-black top and long wavy floral skirt matching it off with black heels. She hung it up on her door for later.

Then since it was only eleven am, she plugged in her Alexa speaker and spoke out, "Alexa, play Alex Ross Dreams featuring Dakota," and it instantly played. She started dancing and bouncing around singing it out a little bit coming off with some words, "Dreams can come true, look at me babe I'm with you," as she danced she picked off different dresses and tops out of her wardrobe and threw them onto her bed for decisions of clothes to wear for Paris.

Then she decided to say,"Fuck it," and grabbed all her clothes on hangers and threw them on her bed, swaying her hips around and around. She dragged her case over, opened it and one by one went through each dress, top and two piece sets she had and folded them neatly and placed them into the case, all the ones she didn't put in, she put back in her wardrobe.

After that, she moved to her chest of drawers and before opening the first drawer, she shouted to Alexa, "Alexa play hungry eyes from dirty dancing," and it played as she grabbed all the lingerie she was going to need, jeans and shorts.

Next on the packing agenda was shoes, she packed away a mixture of boots, converse and heels. Her bag was full after all these items of clothing. She needed to prepare two other separate bags, one for makeup and hair/body supplies and one for flying essentials like money, spare phone, ticket and passport with little snacks and reading materials.

After everything was packed it was all put to one side and by that time it was one pm and she was feeling hungry. She opened her fridge and picked out a prepared salad box and some chicken pieces and butter. Then took out two slices of bread from her bread bin and made herself a chicken salad sandwich and sat down to watch the remainder of the charmed episode she had pre-recorded the other day.

Once that was finished, she was slightly bored, so put her earphones in played music, then put on a light jacket and went out for a walk for two hours to kill some time.

Then after she returned home from a refreshing walk, she hopped into the shower and started to get freshened up to go out tonight. She showered thoroughly and then cleansed her body in moisturizer and after that, then slipped into the little outfit she had previously prepared. She straightened the top half of her hair, but then gave the ends a light curl to them. She applied her makeup of her nighttime look she loves to go for when she goes out.

Toni grabbed her phone, purse, money and her little bag then left the building. She was excited to see the birthday surprises in store for her considering her friend was so head strong about the planning. She exited the building to find Felicity standing there in a little pink dress and right in front of what looks to be a white and black limousine.

"Oh, my goodness, but how I mean?"Toni couldn't quite get the words out of her mouth. "Like it? We have it for hire for tonight only, but it's ours to take us wherever!" Felicity replied and they both got in.

First it started off with drinks in the limo, then drinks and food at the best club in town Kakadu, and then the rest of the night was feeling like a blur. Little did Toni know she would wake up with a massive hangover and a familiar face in her bed.

What do we think of number two? Post in comments and don't forget to vote! Any questions! Whose the stranger? ❤️❤️

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