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She returned to her hotel, and couldn't wipe the biggest smile off her face. She opened the door to her hotel room, and went straight to her bed as exhaustion had taken over and fell back flat face looking towards the ceiling. She couldn't help thinking to herself,' What a day! What have I just done!' and then, it occurred to her, she didn't even get his phone number to let her know of the next time he wanted company.
Then she emptied her handbag so she could phone Felicity, and there she noticed a small piece of paper, with his name and number on it, she realised he must off sneaked it into her handbag at the restaurant when she went to use the restroom. She typed his number into her contacts and didn't know how to decide if she should text him straight away. Toni finally had some courage and sent him a small text.

'Hi Aryan,I recently recovered your piece of paper you sneaked into my handbag, your sneaky ha-ha, I do hope I have the right number, if not that's too bad as I would definitely like to engage in your company again sometime.'

Then she pressed send and it went through. All she had to do was wait. She didn't know what way to message him, so the polite and formal way came to mind. Whilst she waited she rang the one person she could always go to for advice. It rang and rang for ages. Then the person finally picked up.
"I have been waiting to hear back from you all day Toni, I want to know everything. How was your day babe?" Felicity asked straight away barely giving Toni a chance to reply quick enough, then she replied with,
"It was amazing Felicity, he was an absolute gentleman, he started off wanting me to meet him at the museum, then he arranged four clues in order for me to meet up with him. I basically seen most of Paris in my journey, but it was so worth it. It ended up at the top of the Effiel Tower and it was beautiful, the sunset was blooming and we danced. It was like a big dream that I didn't want to wake up from. He took me to a restaurant and then drove me back to the hotel. After that before I left the car, we kissed and it felt like I'd known him for a long time." She finished her paragraph and waited for a response.
Felicity responded,"I'm so happy for you, you've barely been in Paris a day and you've already found some company, I just hope he doesn't mess you about because if he does, there will be consequences and them consequences will concern me as it will be me giving them. I'm going to have to love you and leave you babe, its nap time," and the phonecall ended.
She fell right back and knew what was needed was a warm bath and bed. Her phone dinged and she looked to find a reply from Aryan. She opened it and it read:
'Hi beautiful, I'm glad you discovered my piece of paper. I am sneaky, you love it 😉maybe I can be sneaky again say tomorrow night when I take you on a ferris wheel ride at the paris arcade. It could be fun and I would deeply love to kiss you again, maybe even longer next time.'
That finished the text, and she instantly typed back:

'I would gladly love a ferris wheel ride, never been on one. The idea makes me nervous but something about doing it with you, takes away the small feeling of fear I'm having towards it. Hmmm, maybe a longer kiss can be arranged Mr Patel.'

And with that she pressed send and fell straight asleep.
Hours into the next morning Toni woke up still in the same clothes realising she must've fallen asleep. She missed a text from Aryan.

'No worries angel, I would try to make you feel the safest. You got nothing to worry about I will gladly help you overcome the fear. Goodnight and cant wait to see you again tomorrow night. I'll come pick you up outside your hotel at say six o'clock.'

She smiled and then stood up. Her thoughts went straight to her stomach when it started to rumble. Breakfast was an idea, a good idea at the moment and then she thought, 'I think I'll take my camera out this morning and capture some more photos for my web page.'
She quickly put her hair back in a ponytail, and applied light makeup. She decided to wear a white vest top, denim shorts and a light grey jacket followed by a pair of white converse. She put her phone in her back pocket money in the other side and her camera strap around her neck.
She left her hotel room locking it behind her and made her way out. She walked down the street and there was market stalls followed by a little café for coffee and food. She strided inside and waited in line to take her order. Once it was her turn she asked the waiter for a caramel latte with a blueberry scone and it was all presented lovely. She took a seat.
Then before drinking and eating she set it up and took a picture of her delicious breakfast. After getting her coffee and scone in her, she walked about the beautiful Paris streets. She smiled at its beauty. She came across more artists and dancers and the same mime as before. She got pictures of all.
Toni was so besotted by the beautiful Paris that she was in daze until she felt a hand on her shoulder, it made her jump. She looked around and the hand followed a face – it was Aryan.
"Have any room for my picture?"he asked with a smile wider than the trees.
She smiled and nodded waiting for him to get in position. He stood in front of cherry blossom tree and she took pictures. Ones of him smiling and some of posing faces. Then she walked up to him and placed the camera in front of them and smiled as she took both their pictures.
"The camera loves you," she said with a giggle.
"It loves all, it captures the beauty in a different light, come on I want to show you something," he asked politely and put his hand out for her to take. She looked into his big brown eyes and knew there was something about him she could trust. She happily took it and he walked with her. He walked her in a direction she never understood. It was a garden, but a tree and flower garden, filled with the biggest flowers and roses and trees were the green leaves fell down just right.
"How do you do it?" she asked questioning him.
He looked puzzled, "Do what angel?"
She replied, "Change my day, make it more better and uplifting, you seem to find a way to make me smile and laugh and giggle and I don't really get on like this with anyone. Your different I can't explain it, my stomach does flips when it sees you and my heart melts when I see that little smile."
He smiled through her little rant and needed to find a way to stop her rambling more, so he walked up to her and took her in his arms and kissed her straight up, the kiss lasted a couple of minutes. It was slowly but passionate, the best part was the leaves falling around them. She kissed him back more expressing at the exact moment how she felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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