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Toni awoke the next morning and her head was spinning miraculously. Once she remained consciousness, she moved her gross, smelly hair behind her ear and then opened her eyes to find someone's back to her.

She moved her covers to double check something, she looked, and she was only in her underwear, she gave a sigh of relief and got out of bed. She slightly wobbled and walked out of her bedroom.

In the living room she found Felicity what seems to look like half-dead in the sofa, and another strange guy on the floor in front of her they were both clothed. She couldn't tell if it was birds ringing in her ears or music from night before, because everything was pouncing and go around and round.

She walked over to Felicity and poked her. No movement. Then she shook her slightly and she awoke. Toni couldn't help, but giggle into herself and with that both hungover girls were awake except for their two companions that lay sleeping in the same positions they were.

"Um Felicity what are we to do about our little extra housemates from last night antics," she asked with a confused look on her face.

"Let's get some coffee in us, then we will wake them up and get them out of here ha-ha, it isnt like they can be of use to us besides, we must tidy up this place because your leaving in the morning, and are you sure I can stay till you come back?" Felicity replied.

"Yes Hun, just no parties and please be careful of everything, I trust you with my life and it's in your charge till I come back, of course I'll make the coffee and then the lads have to scoot," Toni explained, then went into the kitchen and made up a fresh pot of coffee for her and her chum to down to cure part of their head-banging hangover.

They both downed two cups of warm, wakening coffee and then proceeded to get rid of their two lads. Toni went off to the bedroom to wake up hers and Felicity into the living room with hers.

She walked into the bedroom and the guy was snoring so loudly, she was turned off by the idea of doing anything more in her bed. She walked over to him and slightly shook, she thought to herself, Wow youre a big lug, because he was slightly heavy in height.

He woke up instantly, "oh hey gorgeous, care for more making out again," he smirked. "First off I don't even remember your name, second off you have to go this was merely a fun time, a night I have no memory even if it was my birthday, sorry buddy but you got to scoot because I have plans to do stuff," she explained and he understood and got himself up out of bed.

He walked around her room in his black Calvin Klein boxers, and she couldn't help but turn her eye ever so slightly. "Can't I even get a goodbye kiss?" he asked once he was fully dressed.

She walked over, made it look like she was about to kiss him, then kissed his cheek slightly. "I left my number on the dresser in case you ever want to hook up or meet up again?" and with that both lads had left her tiny apartment.

"How about we get all cleaned up and I'll treat you to lunch Hun?" Felicity asked and Toni nodded. They both got cleaned and dressed up in casual clothes, then left to go their little favorite cafe down the street. Toni ordered a Caesar salad sandwich and cup of coffee, whereas Felicity ordered a salad with sweet chili chicken and coffee too.

"Well are you excited for tomorrow, the adventure of a lifetime," she asked, and Toni replied,

" yeah, excited and nervous I haven't been away across the world before, I wonder what Paris will be like? I have books to help me speak and it's definitely a place where some speak English I suppose!"

"Don't forget about me, call me when you can and oooh maybe you'll find romance,"she said. Toni laughed slightly, "the only romance there is, is in fairytales! I'll be lucky enough to talk to some people let alone fall in love, but don't worry babe I'll call you every chance I get, my main family always." After that they just kept chatting about the sights Toni was going to visit and the shopping she will have to do.

Then they said their goodbyes and Toni went back to her apartment to start tidying and getting everything prepared for tomorrow's flight.

She picked up all the rubbish from the previous nights antics and put it in the rubbish bin outside, then made her bed and pulled all her suitcase and bags to beside her front door so all that was needed was to grab and go.

Later, that night, Toni grabbed an early dinner of Chinese, she ate then got an early nights sleep to be up early the next day. After a peaceful night sleep, her alarm went off at five am. Once she was changed and showered she walked round to the airport as she lived close to it and then pre-checked in the airport beforehand.

The time flew in once she was ready waiting for the flight. Then once the time had passed she went through airport security and then straight onto the airplane. She sat down in her seat and looked out the window, "Well, goodbye England!"


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