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She looked down to this most mesmerizing human being. She first noticed them big, bold brown eyes and when they investigated hers it made her whole stomach flip in an instant.

"I'm sorry, let me check google translate," and she flustered into her bag to find her phone which she had put it into earlier, but her bag button got stuck and she was frantically trying to pull it out. "No need for that, I do speak English very few in Paris do, but your accent is very English let me guess London based? he suggests and she simply nodded her head whilst she could feel her cheeks flare up.

  "Well, here's your ticket I wouldn't drop that if I was you, they might kick you out, and a beautiful girl like you doesn't deserve that. he said handing her ticket over to her. "I'm um um Toni Grace, she said putting her hand for him to shake, as she felt this was the politest approach to do. "Aryan Patel my lady," but instead of shaking her hand he did something no guy has ever done. He took her hand delicately and kissed it ever so slightly.

  She gave a small smile and her stomach did more tiny flips. "Are you on holiday Aryan or staying in Paris? she asked with a friendly face, "Holiday, it's one of my favourite destinations. What about you?" he replied.

"Holiday, my boss sent me on for my twenty third birthday and just exploring the many offers I've been offered to visit this museum being one of them," she answered and then went to look back at the painting.

"Ah, it's a beautiful piece," he stated and she simply said, its more than beautiful, it's magnificent the way the colors intertwined with the others showing exactly what the artist was feeling, the way the red lines cross over showing either anger or love or both. "Are you a fan of art?" she turned back to him and noticed him looking right at her.

"I love a good piece of art, especially when it's explained by someone who understands such beauty," he answered and then a guy came in wearing black sunglasses and hat and whispered something in Aryan's ear. Toni looked a little confused, "I'm so sorry Miss Grace, but I'm afraid I have to go, it was lovely to meet you, don't be a stranger in Paris you never know who you might meet." And with that he took off.

  She couldn't help but think, 'Wow, how can one person have such an impact on my insides, I don't think I'll forget him.' She went off in her own world to look at the rest of the paintings and sculptures, she still couldn't get him out of her head.

  Once she was finished in the museum she was about to leave the doors, when one of the assistants stopped her and said, That gentleman you were talking to a while ago, bought this painting and asked me to give it to you as well as this note, congratulations," Toni was a little shocked and she just took the painting and the note and walked off to the side to read it.

  Dear Toni,

   I know we only just met but I felt like I've known you longer than that. I got you this painting because it reminds me of the similar beauty I see in you. How about spending a day in Paris with me? I'll show you the real Paris and what your missing out on. I hope you accept, if you accept meet me at 8am outside this museum in the morning. If you don't accept, I totally understand and enjoy the painting darling.



Toni couldn't wipe the big smile off her face. It just sat there as she took in every word Aryan had wrote. She questioned it, 'should I meet him? Should I get to know this guy? Oh, I know who will give me the advice.'

She grabbed the painting and left the museum towards her hotel. Paul offered to take the painting up to her room and she said, "yes," while she went off to the little side parlor that offered coffee and buns.

She grabbed a cup of coffee and a raspberry scone and got her phone out of her bag. She dialed Felicity's number and it answered immediately. "Babe, I been waiting for your call, how's it going over there? Are there any French guys? Is it warm?, as usual Felicity bombarded her with questions and Toni giggled and then answered.

"Hun, calm down with the questions and yes I'll answer all of them, it's going amazing I'm seeing different options that I've never dreamed off, and yes there are French guys, but there are also English ones who want to take me on a tour of Paris tomorrow and it is very warm," after spoiling the surprise of her having a date she took a bite of her scone.

"Omg, you got a date? On the first day, got you babe, what's he like? Is he dreamy? Her bubbly mate asked. "He's lovely and very attractive to the eye, also very polite and well-mannered from what I can see, but I'm unsure on whether or not to take the chance to go on this little tour tomorrow, what do you think? Toni questioned.

"I think you should go for it, when are you going to get the opportunity again, there could be sparks there, you never know, but that's my opinion just take a chance and see what happens, anyways babe I got to go, I got work proposals to work on love you tell me how it goes tomorrow, bye, And with that the little call ended.

Toni had made her mind up, and she knows now she might not get another opportunity like this, she was getting a little excited for tomorrow. She finished her day off with having a small dinner in the hotel restaurant, then showering and off into her bed to be up early tomorrow.


Merry Christmas Everyone my treat to you a new chapter! Enjoy more of the journey of Toni Grace! Follow Vote and Comment if you please let me know your thoughts ❤️

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