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Toni was now fully wide awake and found it impossible to doze off on the plane, her excitement took over her stomach. She smiled out the window, then flight attendant made an announcement 'Passengers, we have safely landed in Paris, thank you for your patience and time on this plane, goodbye!' The flight attendant repeated the same verse in French for the passengers who didn't speak a word of English. She took that as her cue to get up, grabbing her small bag and standing up. It was a long line of passengers waiting to get off to explore the beauty of Paris.

She eventually got to her turn when walking down the steps of the plane and towards the airport. She had no clue what she was doing, but she was excited to figure it all out. She entered the airport with a smile on her face as she walked up to the bag compartment to collect her suitcase. Once she obtained her suitcase, she left the airport and into the beautiful city of Paris.

She hopped into the nearest taxi car and got out her phone to use google translate. "Bonjour monsieur, pouvez-vous m'emmener a la penisule Paris hotel s'il vous plait?"(hello mister, can you take me to the peninsula Paris hotel please) and the driver replied, "oui, l'hotel te prend mal ce sera dix euros?"(yes I'll take you that will be ten euros) the only part she understood was ten euros and she paid the man and got in the taxi with her suitcase and watched the small landscapes of Paris. She smiled at the beauties of this wonderful city.

He drove up to the front of the hotel, she said the one word any English person should know in French, "Merci monsieur!" And with that she stood in front of the highest most popular hotel in all of Paris. La Peninsule Paris was beautiful.

She walked up the steps and into the large building wondering to herself, 'wow, I feel slightly out of place well here goes nothing.' She entered two big, glass see through doors and into a busy lobby. Filled with people chatting and rushing about. "Excusez moi Mademoiselle, vous êtes perdu?" (Excuse me miss are you lost) this bell hop approached her and said this to which she didn't have her language book out to understood,

"Im sorry I don't quite understand, I'm English so still learning the little things of French," she said whilst getting her language book out of her bag, and he replied,"ahhh you speak English, I do too. Sorry to confuse I simply asked excuse me miss, are you lost?"

"Yes, I am, can you help me? I was told in my email from my boss this is the hotel they sent me too for my holiday and I don't have a clue where to go or what to do," she said with a nervous smile.

"Well let me take your suitcase, and I'll bring to the front desk to get signed in, if you want I can help you translate, you may call me Paul, he took her suitcase of her hands, and she replied, "Im Toni, and thank you so much Paul you're a great help," and he brought her up to the front desk.

Paul started speaking in French to the man behind the front desk and it turned out she didn't need to speak at all, which saved the nervousness in her tummy. He turned around and says, "he welcomes you to the hotel and here's your room key and anytime you need service just ring down and I'll be available," Paul showed her and she was ever so grateful to meet someone so lovely.

"Paul, thank you ever so much for your kindness and help I'd be lost without you, I'll see you upstairs." She said with a smile and made her way in the elevator towards the third floor into her hotel room with a view of Paris. She walked in and placed her bag on the small wooden table with a plant on it and towards the balcony with all the beautiful details Paris had to offer, she could see Arc De Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower and she just smiled, everything was happening so quick and she couldn't believe that her work sent her to this most gorgeous city.

After she took a glance at the view, she walked back into the room and the door knocked. She walked over to the door and opened it, Paul stood there with her baggage and he entered the room carrying it, setting it off to one side. "So, Miss, is your room to your satisfaction? he asked politely and she responded, "Yes, thank you Paul and thanks for bringing my luggage," "Not a problem miss, anything else you need just ring down, I'll be about if you need me," she nodded and was left to the wonders of her hotel room herself.

She decided to climb into the bed and doze off for a couple of hours to catch up on some sleep she had lost on the plane.

Few hours later Toni woke up and stretched her back like a bad cartoon character. She then rubbed her eyes and noticed an envelope in front of her door as if someone had slid it underneath. She opened it up and found one ticket inside and one note.


Here's one of the many surprises we have in store for you, here's a trip to the one of the most popular museums in Paris full of art that you'll enjoy capturing. Don't miss out.

The company!

Her work has been the best, she was excited and giddy at the same time. She had a quick shower to freshen herself up, she put on a small flower-patterned dress matched with jet black boots, a black hat and bag with two straps.

Once she had freshened up, she left the hotel where she took out her phone to bring up google maps after swinging the straps of her bag on her back. She walked up to this big building and up the many steps that felt like China's biggest wall, into the big building filled with people.

She showed the woman her ticket at the desk and then started to make her way around the most gorgeous painting until one painting caught her eye. It was filled with color and lines, but it really spoke out to her the way each line crossed together showing how much emotion went into the thought of it.

She stood there looking at every angle, every detail not even realizing she had dropped something until a voice spoke out. It spoke and said, "Excusez moi mademoiselle?" (Excuse me, miss?).

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Oooooh I wonder what the voice is? Could it be the curator? Could it be a strange man? Who knows comment your thoughts.

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