Chapter 6

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story!

They went back to the hotel. Peter had to go to the bathroom again. He walked out of the room and maade sure to take his key! (The doors lock behind you) One time Ned forgot his key and Peter had to go let him in to the room. it was so embarasing. He saw signs for the bathrrom and followed them. There was a mens room and a womans room and he went in the mens room because he is male.

He went to the urinal and unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis. It was really big. Then he peed. Then he put it back in his pants and zipped them up again. Then he went to the sink and washed his hands with soap and dried them with a paper towel.

Peter ran in to flash tompson in the loby on the way back to his room. Flash was with a bunch of cool kids. "Hey look it's Loser Parker"

But none of the cool kids laghed because Peter Parker got hot over the summer (liek Archie in Riverdal) He was really hot and with nice hair and his arms were really muscular. He was waring a tank top and you could see his arm muscles.

"Looks like you are loser, Loser Tomsin" and everyone laguhed histerically.

"Peter Parker is so hot" whispered a girl in the crowd. All the girls though this.

But Peter didn't care about all th girls. He just cared about Zenfaya, his crush.

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