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«L U C Y»
N O V E M B E R 5'T H
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|text message|

Hello is this Lucy?

Yes this is she,who is this?

This is Grayson,my father assigned me as your tutor.

Oh yes hi Grayson .

I was texting to ask what day you'd like to schedule our tutoring sessions ?

Do Wednesday's sound fine?

Sounds fine by me! Where would you like to meet up?

You can come to my dorm if that's easy?

That's fine,what's the room number?


I'll see you starting next Wednesday:)

I'll see you Wednesday!

|10:57 pm|
I undress from my sweaty work out clothes and step into the steaming hot shower. I stand underneath the hot water and watch as the water rolls off my skin.
I lather my wash cloth with ivory soap and begin to wash up and down my body between every crevice and crease. His words replayed in my mind.
"See you around beautiful"
His voice was deep and husky , beautiful might I add. God I wish I would've gotten his number , not that it mattered anyways. All guys want now days is a quick fuck & their dick sucked. I was never going to find a decent guy , I had came to terms with that as soon as junior year of high school hit.

I could tell by his body language that he was nervous. He had never been in this position, shit, neither have I. "You're so busy playing Cupid that you've never even tried to find your own true love, why is that?" I ask as I see the fearful look on his face.
"I've just never found the one." He replies blandly which made me question "why?"
"It's because I'm busy helping people like you."

|1:37 am|
I had woken up from my dream due to feeling a presence in my room. This also wasn't the first time I had felt a presence while having this dream. It was almost as if the reason why I was having the dream was due to the presence. "Hello?" I call out to no avail. "I'm just tired that's all , it's nothing" I tell myself as I begin to close my eyes once more. I toss over and lay on my right side getting comfortable. I feel my body tense up and I feel the presence closer. I tried moving but it was no use;I tried to scream , it was no use. What was happening? Next thing I knew I was dreaming again.

I could tell by his body language that he was nervous. He had never been in this position, shit, neither have I. "You're so busy playing Cupid that you've never even tried to find your own true love, why is that?" I ask as I see the fearful look on his face.
"I've just never found the one." He replies blandly which made me question "why?"
"It's because I'm busy helping people like you."
"Then why don't you ever help yourself for once?" I ask to which he just scoffs then says blandly "it's not that easy Lucy."
"It's never easy" I spat go which he just stands up and walks out the coffee shop. I was falling for an angel when I know I couldn't , it was dangerous. It was as if I was falling for the devil in disguise.



eros  ˻ethan dolan˼ ✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now