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D E C E M B E R 19'T H
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|10:52 am|
"And time!" Mr dolan calls as the test was now over. Shortly the bell rings and we all grab our bags to leave. As I was handing my paper in he states "I need to have a few words with you miss brooks." I mentally roll my eyes but put on a smile.

Everyone had finally left the room so it was only the two of us. "I have to say miss brooks , I'm very impressed with how much you've improved. You've bumped your average all the way up to an 85. I'm very proud of you." He smiles causing me to blush immensely. "Thank you mr dolan, I wouldn't have been able to do it without Grayson's help." I smile. In which he nods letting me free.

I step out the doors and instantly hear "we need to chat." I look to my left and see ethan leaned back against the building and I physically roll my eyes this time. "I'd watch who you're having an attitude with. Don't you remember I'm here for a purpose and not to be your friend." His words stung a little but I kept my guard up. "What is it ethan?" I spat as I began to walk to my car. He trailed behind and said "Grayson's going to as-" we were interrupted by the sound of a voice calling my name. "Lucy!" I turn around to see Grayson jogging over my way.

"Hey Grayson." I smile which he blushes but soon covers it up with a smirk. "So I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight... like on a date?" He ask while scratching the back of his head in nervousness.
'Say yes' I hear ethan communicating to me.
"I'd love to go on a date with you." I smile causing Grayson to blush once more. "I'll pick you up at your dorm around 8:15pm , does that sound okay?" He ask confirming the time. "Sounds perfect." I smile as I watch him begin to walk away. As I watch him he does a little victory dance causing me to giggle.

"Don't fall in love with him." Ethan states making me look at him puzzled. "Why not?" I ask and he states "you'll end up getting hurt."



eros  ˻ethan dolan˼ ✔︎  #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now