The Legion [XXV]

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The voice was back again that night, startling as always. Jonas was settled in his outpost, taking a break and reading a book. He had never really been fond of reading until as of late, finding it to be a nice distraction from the current approaching winter season and the lack of resources. With the frigid weather came the looming possibility of another destructive strain of flu, and Jonas wasn't completely prepared to lose more of his community. One could only drop so many bodies in a lake before they began to see their faces haunting their dreams. 

First he heard the rustling, then felt icy droplets of water drip down onto his forehead, trailing along the bridge of his nose until it dribbled down onto the pages of his novel. A sharp intake of air shot through his nostrils and he straightened his posture. "Still reading?" asked the voice. It was light and sweet on the ears. Jonas stirred uncomfortably and tilted his head up, just as he always did when he had first been visited. This time, however, he was calm. 

"Yeah," the blonde replied. "It actually ain't that bad." A huff from his company caused him to swallow deep in his throat and shut the book in his hands, being sure to dog-ear the corner. He was unsure of whether this voice could be trusted or not, seeing as he had never personally laid eyes upon its owner. "What brings you back?"

"My brother is.. getting stronger. He wants.. to.. wipe you all out," the voice explained. The tree rustled to his right and he stiffened. It intended to warn him of her brother? There were other beings in the woodlands aside from those on this island? "I know he... would rather kill than listen. That is.. why I am here... to ask for your help."

"My help?" Jonas echoed, perplexed. He narrowed his eyes up at the suspicious-looking blob of shadow above. "If you all want to kill us, how come you haven't done it already?"

"Some do not... want to kill. We broke from.. them. Parted from... Cornelius."


"Our... leader." The voice paused and there was more motion from the branches over his head. A fine spray of water fell upon the top of his hat and he fought the urge to growl under his breath. He had had a hunch that this particular voice hadn't been human, yet he had trusted it... somehow, though, the way it was beginning to speak of its leader was beginning to stir something inside of him that left him feeling horribly uneasy. Was it expecting to strike up a  bargain? Probably. He'd just have to see. "Some do not agree.. with his way."  

"So you've split," Jonas assumed, thumbing at the spine of the book in his hands. Pulling one knee up, he left the other to dangle off the edge of the platform. "And you want me to join you in order to protect Or do you just want extra numbers to fight?" There was a sudden plunk that resonated out from behind him and he jerked in response, naturally startled. Twisting himself, he found his gaze falling upon something motionless yet out of place. Slowly but surely the being approached, causing his heart to fly up into his throat. He scrambled backwards a few inches, crying out as his hand lost its balance and nearly sent him toppling over the edge.

 His mounting horror grew more keen as the trees began to shake, needles showering over him and catching upon his parted lips. Croaks and soft hiccups of sound filled the gaps between the creaking of branches, their numbers slowly growing until suddenly Jonas felt as small as a pin. The figure approached closer and he leaned himself back, upper half trembling to keep him from falling over the edge. Slowly, Jonas snaked his free hand toward the butt of his rifle, only to still the moment that the small frame slipped from the inky shadows and revealed itself. A tattered swath of cloth was fastened around the animal's shoulders, the mask of bone covering its face sending a bolt of terror through his entire body. 

"S-Stay back," he peeped, but to no avail. The beast's lengthy hand reached up and carefully removed the coyote's skull from its head, revealing an ape, dark face decorated in strange smears of yellow ochre across the bridge of her nose and shallow cheekbones, accented by streaks of charcoal that was seemingly only partially visible, especially in the dim glow reverberating from the oil lamp behind him. Two ashen eyes peered at him carnally. Jonas opened his mouth to howl for help but was unable to do so, the sound dying out in his throat the moment that the ape spoke again. 

"Apes need your help," she said. "Pine needs... your help."

The human's eyes blinked vigorously, entire frame rigid as he held his breath, waiting for there to be some sort of catch. "P-Pi-ine?" he repeated, nervously ingesting saliva once more. "What... what does he need specifically?"

"Guns," the ape listed. "Medicine, hands." Her height grew and she swung her arms out, gesturing to the throng hovering in the trees above her. "Need human help, to stop Slate and Cornelius." Jonas drew in a trembling breath, chest beginning to ache from lack of oxygen, and looked up. Eyes reflected the fire's glow, eerie and unblinking as they watched the scene below unfold. Their soft hoots began to grow in numbers, low in their throats in order to keep quiet, yet unable to be withheld due to the excitement of the situation. What were their plans? What did his community have to gain from battle? More graves, more lives lost?

A long hand extended out toward him, offering him some sort of peace treaty. Suddenly, Jonas was at a cross-roads, feeling as if he were about to make a deal with the devil. Did he really have a choice? Did any of them? Jonas's mind reeled and he took a moment to explore his options. Either his people would die in these woods as warriors or they would be victim of genocide. If he agreed, at least with a few of their enemy's kind on their side, they had an advantage. The blonde's head fell and he looked toward the ape's extended hand. They were smart and they knew the forest better than any of his community did, even after roosting here for years in the comfort of their own little isolated island. Sooner or later, Jonas had known that good things always come to an end and that it wouldn't last.

"Fight," she stated, offering her final bargain, eyes narrowing slightly. They gleamed acutely, holding endless amounts of wisdom that Jonas knew he would never be able to come to comprehend. "For humans. For apes. For us."

Jonas took a long thoughtful breath, then grasped her hand firmly. Their eyes locked and her legion's gentle hooting grew rhythmic, almost as if it were some sort of unearthly chant. It sent chills down his spine, yet he didn't flinch. "For us," he chimed.

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