Homini Opus [Final Update]

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Hello. You may have noticed that the prequel book has been unpublished again without warning. I am here to inform you that because of how I have so much currently on the go and so little room in my brain, that I have decided to prioritise other stories that need to be finished. For example, The Girl In The Window is only a few chapters away from becoming complete (if you're interested in BBC's Sherlock, feel free to take a look) and I wish to finish it before I decide on whether to give it a sequel or not. I am currently on the fence about it.

There's also my own piece I will be coming out with, hopefully (I'm assuming), called Wild. It will be based loosely off the Planet Of The Apes theory, although it will not be post apocalyptic (or maybe it will, who knows-- it's still in the works). This story will be more of a fantasy, seeing as it will involve witchy wiccan things. If I end up posting that, I may very well decide to focus on the work itself instead of a possible sequel for TGitW.  

Homini Opus, for now, will be on the back-burner because of writer's block. I am sorry, please forgive me for this sudden hiatus!


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