Thank You

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After this long, hard year of ups and downs, I find myself at the end of this fantastic and emotion novel. Slate and Krissa's journey has been an entire gut-flipping roller coaster for me, and I sure hope it has been the same for you. When I posted Not Like You back last January, I never expected it to become so popular (even though 5k is considered a small amount by some standards). I thought the exact opposite would happen, if I'm going to be completely honest. I will most likely continue to go along proof reading, correcting, and editing, but then again, what writer doesn't? There comes a point in time where I'll have to let this story be, and finally raise that white flag. 

(Until then, I'll just sit here while I sob into my box of tissues because I've finally finished this beautifully heartbreaking story.)

The Planet of the Ape series has been an obsession for me since I was, well, probably eleven years old. I just loved the concept, fell in love with the stories and everything in between. When Rise of the Planet of the Apes came out in 2011, I found myself dragged right back into the fandom I had loved so, so much. My idea started after I had watched Dawn, fresh out of the theatre, and when I finally got around to posting it later on that winter after I had spent some time up at my family's cottage. 

Funny enough, once Bird Box had come out this year, the cinematography during the river scenes and the overall apocalyptic vibe gave me the kick in the behind I needed in order to finally get where I wanted to. (Again, I read the book when I was eleven and I loved it. I'm currently reading every chance I get in a day!)

Between a massive fall out with my friends and my slow recovery after an abusive relationship, this book has been my literal blood, sweat and tears. I found the words just poured out of me each time I sat down to write... but with the beginning of a new job and other things on my plate, I had to put finishing Not Like You on the back-burner for a while. I became distracted by other fandoms I was passionate about and used it to keep my writing hand steady, until finally I was ready and came back with a whopping four more chapters.

Then I sealed it with lots of clues that tie back to the next prequel. (Surprise?) I think I mentioned that a book was in the works that followed Koba and Alice's story. Regardless of how quickly I'll post it, updates may be slow, but I'll try my best to get out as much as I possibly can. I hope that you became as emotionally attached to this story as I did, and I hope that you follow the entire story line once Homini Opus is posted.  

And with that short little ramble and brief announcement, I must leave you, mes amies!

Every story continues-- not one single story has an eternal end. Each generation retells, recalls, and remembers. Your memory will never die, no matter how insignificant you feel your life may have been. I hope that the message of this story instils this in your mind. 


𝔹𝕝𝕖𝕦 𝕋𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖

Not Like You (The Simian Forest Saga: Vol. I)Where stories live. Discover now