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-Jack pov-

"So can I change back? Can I go back to my immortal self?" Elsa asked.

Tooth nodded.
"Your body is already rejecting the tooth so once the tooth falls out. You will be back to normal." Said Tooth.

"But I have got a question. How do you have your powers if your a mortal right now?" Said Bunny.

Elsa looked at Bunny."I had these powers ever since I was born. And I knew Jack. And Jack was the reason I was able to control them." She says while smiling at me.

I blush when she says that. But I smile because it was true.

"How did you guys meet?" Asked Tooth.

"You tell it Jack." Said Elsa.

I nod.

-Flash back-

I was walking I the woods and I saw a girl sitting in the middle of the lake. She was curled up into a ball and she was crying. I walked up silently and I wrapped my arms around her.

She looked at me and I smiled. She got up and began to walk away.

"Wait." I say as I quickly run and grab her arm. She jerked her arm away.

"Don't touch me." She said.

"Please wait." I said as I was about to touch her arm again. Her hand shot out and made ice spikes pointing to me

She looked at her hands in horror, and I quickly run around the spike and hug her.

"You can cry all you want. But just don't cry by yourself." I say.

She freezes,  and then slowly hugged back. I felt her tears drip into my shirt. I rub her back to try and comfort her.

After a few minutes, she stopped crying. "Why were you crying?"

"Because I am a freak. I was born with powers and they are out of control. I might hurt someone! I don't want anyone to get hurt."
She said. She had more tears coming down her cheeks.

"I don't think your a freak. I think your powers are beautiful. And you can learn to control them. You just have to let it go. Let go of the fear, and anger. Just trust your emotions. Because emotions are key." I say.

She stares at me, and then does the unexpected. She laughs. She laughs hard and tears are falling. I feel myself blushing.

Then she hugs me. "Thanks. I needed that." She said.

"No problem."  I said.

She smiled at me, "I'm Elsa."

"I'm Jackson."

"Nice to meet you Jack." She said.

"Jack?" I asked.

"It's your nickname." She said.

I smile and nod in approval.

-Flash back over-

"And thats how I met Elsa." I say.

Elsa smiled, and nodded. "That was the best day of my life." She said.

I smile at her. "Same."

Then I see Elsa holding her stomach, she lifts up her shirt a little and I see a small scar open back up. And out pops a tooth. Elsa quickly runs behind a tree, and we see a bright light.

We wait about a few minutes,  and she walks back out.

She is wearing the same outfit as she had worn before she had changed back into her normal self. I see Jamie smile when he sees her. He glances at me and walks to me.

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