FFL: Chapter Eleven

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∞<3∞ August's POV ∞<3∞

I sighed in relief as I was unlocking the hotel room door. I was happy to know that neither I neither Kim was going to go to jail. After all, we only defended ourselves. Well..her. I couldn't let that n*gga live knowing what he put her through. It was too much. I just couldn't let that happen. He needed to die and to rot straight in hell. I wanted to make him suffer more, but I was too upset and simply wanted to finish with him. I didn't regret to have taken his life away. Not even one second. He deserved it. Plus, it was not new for me to do it. In my past life, that was kind of a little habit. You had to choose between being killed or being the killer. I was not ready to die yet. I wasn't soft or a b*tch and still today I am none of it. And when you hurt someone I love, don't think that you're going to go with it.

One thing that life taught me in these past years is that it's a struggle. Life is a complicated struggle. A war that you have to go through. Life made me a hustler. I had never stopped to fight and I'll continue to overcome all the battles. Nobody can't break me and if someone wants to put a wall on my way, I'll destroy it and I'll keep going.

I let Kim walk in before me and closed the door behind me. We sat on the couch still a bit shaken by the recent events. I sighed massaging my temples with my index fingers. I had a little headache and was exhausted. I just wanted to lay and to rest. I opened my eyes that instantly looked at Kim. She had her head in her hands. I heard her sniff, so I concluded that she was crying. It was hurting my heart to see tears falling from her beautiful eyes. I wanted her to be happy and to start enjoying life again. According to everything she told me, she was with that b*tch since two years. I couldn't believe that the hell she was living in was lasting for so long. I was still mad to know that he forced her to have intimacy with him. Until he had done that, I was THE ONLY ONE with whom she had sex. I was her first and only and I wish it was still the case, but it wasn't. If only we could return in the past.

I stood up and went to sit next to her. I wanted to make sure that she was alright and not too shocked by what happened. The day was...interesting and full of surprises. We only wanted to take her stuff and then we were out, but something else happened. I replayed everything in my mind. I was sad to have killed that n*gga in front of her though. Is she scared of me ? I was hoping the contrary. 

"Kim ? Are you okay ? " I asked concerned and breaking the deep silence by the same occasion. She lifted her head and just stared at me. I didn't know how to take it. I was afraid that she was going to leave and this time forever, "Please, talk to me." 

"You killed him, August. Are you not feeling guilty ? " She answered sniffing. I didn't know what to say, "Kim, I had to." She shook her head, "No, you hadn't. Why ? Why did you do that ? " It was hurting my heart to hear her worrying about that bastard, "After all the pain he caused to you...Why are you acting like that ? " Now, I was getting frustrated.

"Like what exactly ? " She asked frowning, "Like you care about him. Do you love him ? " I had to know, "No, of course not. And you, why are you acting like killing it's totally normal ? Do you have a rock instead of a heart ? " Forget about the pain, tiredness and everything, the anger started taking over.

I stood up and she mimicked the movement, "A rock ? YOU, are asking me if I have a f*cking rock instead of a f*cking heart ?! I killed that n*gga for ya ! I did it because I coudn't digest the fact that he had taken a habit to beat you and also to RAPE YOU ! " I said raising my voice. I was trying to stay calm, but it was hard.

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