FFL: Chapter Fourteen

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∞<3∞ Kim's POV ∞<3∞

I couldn't believe that I was finally going to see my mom. It's been two years that I hadn't get in contact with her. I hadn't spoken to her, I hadn't seen her face or heard her voice since so long. I was excited, but nervous at the same time. I didn't know how she was going to react. I was scared to find out that she was angry and didn't want nothing to do with me anymore. After all, I left like a robber. I didn't let her know that I was moving to New York and never said my goodbyes. She called me several times, but I had never answered. Now, I felt bad for having done it. 

My mother and I relationship had not always been the best. Mainly because my father hurt her too much. They were living the perfect love story until she got pregnant with me. Since then, the dream turned into a nightmare. My father started treating her like a piece of sh*t. He cheated with others women. He was often coming back completely drunk, so he was not the nicest person to my mother. He was only talking to her to have sex. She became nothing to his eyes and he caused a lot of pain in her heart. 

After my birth nothing changed. When I was three months old, my father decided to leave and to let my mom raise me by herself. For a moment and when I got older, she began to blame me for everything that happened between them. It's true though. If I wasn't there, they would still be together living a happy life. I felt like it was my fault during my a big part of my adolescence, but one day, I realized that I had nothing to do with their story and I had a heart to heart with my mother. I made her understand how much it was affecting me the way she was treating me and then she realized herself that what she was doing was wrong. We went to a therapist to solve our problems and since then we were getting along. She started showing me more support and more love and I was gladly returning it to her.

Leaving like I did, was not a good idea. I should've told her, but I was being stupid and was thinking only about myself. Still today, I don't know what got in my mind during this period of my life. Now, I can only regret and also learn something from this bad experience. We live not to be perfect. It's normal to make some mistakes. But it's important not to repeat them constantly and learn something useful for the rest of your live. 

My experience of being a woman beaten and raped taught me that you can't trust everybody and that behind a smile, a person can hide a horrible monster that nobody knows about. Well, except when you're the one he's causing pain to. It taught me also that I am stronger than what I thought. Yes, it's true. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

After a good hour of driving, I finally pulled in a driveway. The house was little compared to August's. The neighboorhood was quiet and all of the house had beautiful front garden with ravishing flowers of all the colours. I checked the address on the paper Aug gave me one more time to be sure that I was at the correct place. And I was. 

I got out the car and locked the door. I straightened my clothes and made sure that my ponytail was still well pulled. I walked to the front door slowly, anxious like I was going to die. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I was so scared. I encouraged myself in my mind before to ring the bell. That's it. 

I waited for a couple of minutes -that seemed to be like forever and a year- before someone opened the door. That someone was my mother that I hadn't seen since two years. She hadn't changed. At all. Her hair was still blonde and long until her shoulders. She still had her intriguing and amazing light blue eyes. Her skin was still white. She hadn't tan or something. For a woman of her age, she was still pretty and really attractive. She was exactly like I remembered her. My mother. I missed her so much.

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