FFL: Chapter Forty-One

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∞<3∞ Kim's POV ∞<3∞

[Three Years Ago]

I was finally done crying for August. Well, that's what I was trying to convince myself, but I seriously had to move on. I needed to get my shit together and to be happy again. I had tried my hardest in this relationship, but I guess it wasn't enough. Of course we loved each other, but that's not the only thing that makes a couple work together.

I will miss him. After all he was my first everything. I had never loved someone like him before. He was the first one to have stolen my heart and I didn't know if one day I will find someone else and give my heart again. Now, I was heartbroken and feeling miserable. I felt like without him, I was going to die in a couple of minutes. Yes, I will miss him so much. 

I regained my composure before to break down again. I couldn't allow it. I had to be strong. I had to move on.

I shook my head making all the thoughts about August go away. I had to think about something else. I couldn't keep him in my mind all the time. I had to move on.

As I was about to grab some Cheetos, another hand came in contact with mine. I backed away immediately a bit shocked. I hadn't left my room since three months. I hadn't talked or seen someone during all this time. It was weird for me to be outside and to have people around me again. I had lost the habit. 

"Oh, sorry, ma." A raspy voice said making me look up. It was a man, who seemed to be around my age. His skin was brown, his eyes also but darker, his lips were luscious, he had a dimple on his right cheek, under his t-shirt, I could guess that he had muscles, well her arms were showing it and he was smiling at me with his white teeth. He was...cute. But I had just got out of another relationship. 

I shook my head, "Oh, don't worry." I said with a little voice. 

"You're really beautiful. I'm Marcus." He introduced himself holding his hand out at me.

I stared at his hand and didn't shake it, "Uh..Okay ? " I knew he was trying to flirt, but I hadn't time for that. I was still in love with August and I didn't want to seduce or be seduced at that moment. I wanted to be alone.

He chuckled nervously shoving his hand in his pocket, "I see. Wow. I guess..It's my cue to go. It was nice to meet you though. I hope we'll see again and this time I'll have a name. See you later..."

I nodded my head slowly, "Yeah...Uh..Bye." I took the packet of chips and started to walk towards another aisle, when I felt a finger tapping my shoulder. I frowned a bit and turned around. It was that Marcus guy again. He definitely didn't get the cue.

He smiled, "Sorry, but...Uh...You're really beautiful and I'd be a fool if I don't try harder."

I sighed, "Okay. My name is Kimberly, now can you leave me alone please. Bye." I said dryly ready to go far away from him. But he didn't want to let me go.

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