FFL: Chapter Sixteen

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∞<3∞ Kim's POV ∞<3∞

It's been hours that Crystal and I were talking. I hadn't realize yet how much I missed her. I was beyond happy to see her again. I thought I was never going to see her, but thanks to August who kept contact with the persons I love, I could find them sooner than later or never. She had not changed a lot. Her hair was still long until her shoulder, but the color was darker. Now, she had dark brown hair. Her body was still incredibly beautiful. Her perfect curves were still there and her skin was still amazing. Yes, my best friend is bomb ! And I was glad to hear that her and Jimmy didn't break up. And the fact that he was going to propose. It was difficult to keep my mouth shut, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. 

"So, Logan got married ? " I asked a second time not believing it. How is it possible ? A LOT had happened during these past two years. Crystal told me that Logan met this guy with whom she immediately fell in love. They made it official after four weeks and after a couple of months they decided to marry each other. They did a little thing, with just them two. They didn't want a big reception and all of that. Once they became husband and wife, they moved in Miami and bought a big house. A mansion to be exact.

"Yes. And actually, this guy is a billionaire and is treating her greatly. I didn't want to believe this story at first, but then Jimmy and I went to visit them and well...Logan is living like a princess. I can tell that she's happy. Oh ! We should call her ! " 

I nodded my head and took my phone on the nightstand. At the same time, it started ringing. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was August. I frowned wondering why he was calling me if he was downstairs, but I answered anyways, "Aug ? What is going on ? " I asked curiously.

"Kim, I need ya to come to pick me up at the hospital." 

My frown deepened, "Hospital ? What are you doing there ? I thought you were in the living room watching TV. What happened ? " I questioned standing from the bed. 

"No. I left to see my nieces. We were on our way to the mall, when someone next to us at the red light began to shoot." He explained scaring me.

"What ? Are you alright ? How are the girls ? " I was starting to panic.

"Don't worry, they're good." He assured me.

I sighed in relief, "And you ? "

"They just got the bullet out my left arm. I won't be able to use it for a moment, but they said it's not going to be for too long. I can't really drive and I don't wanna worry Chandra."

"Okay. I..I'm on my way." After he told me exactly the hospital he was in, we hang up and I put my shoes on.

"Where are you going ? " Crystal asked me a bit confused.

"Uh..yeah. Sorry. Uh...Aug and his nieces are at the hospital. I'm gonna pick them up. Are you coming ? " She nodded her head understanding.

"Okay. Uh..no. I have a date with Jimmy, I have to get ready. Promise me not to go M.I.A like that again though. And we have to spend an entire day together and to see Logan in Miami also."

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