Chapter 21

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Previously On The Twice Blessed Child...

"Do you have to go? We usually get one more month of you?" Ashely asked

"Yes I have to go now. I have very important things to do in my other life. I have to be there for my other family." I said

"You will be back next summer right?" Stefan asked

"Of course even if for a short time." I said

They nodded their heads.

"But make sure you write and call. I'll answer I promise. Plus who knows maybe I'll end up calling you more than you call me if last year was anything to go by." I said

"Yeah a entire school year is a long time." Ashley said

"You guys will be fine." I said

I left camp and once I was outside of the camp boarders I shadow walked back to the house. I had brought my hand up to open the door and head inside when I was tackled to the ground in a hug.

"Your back." Dudley said

"Yes I am." I said

"Why are you back so early his trail isn't for a few more days?" Harry asked

"I thought I might surprise you for your birthday." I said

Harry smiled at me.

"Come on let's head inside." I said

Dudley and Harry got off me and we headed inside the house. Once I was inside all the house elves popped in and welcome home then popped back to whatever they were doing. I had got home in time for lunch so we all sat down and ate. Once lunch was over Harry and I headed up stairs to my room. I started to unpack my bag while Harry sat on my bed and asked me questions.

"So how was camp?" Harry asked

"Good. I was there less than an hour and I won the competition that was going on." I said

"What was the prize?" Harry asked

"A solo mission, and a team mission in which I chose the members of my team." I said

Harry continued to ask questions and I continued to answer.

"What are we going to do if the court rules that he is innocent. I looked up Azkaban while you were gone and it doesn't seem like a great place. It also sounded like most of the people that get locked up there end up crazy. What if he is crazy and we went through all this and he isn't..." Harry trailed off

"Sane?" I asked

"Yeah." Harry said

"I don't know the answer to that question. We're just going to have to cross that bridge when we get there. Although if he is found innocent he can stay here, and we can have a mind healer look him over. That is about all we can do." I said

Harry nodded his head.

"Do you think they will find him innocent?" Harry asked

"I have no clue. From what Demonhook told the court should find him innocent. It will be hard to prove him innocent, because the ministry most likely won't want to admit their mistake and the true guilty party can't be found." I said

Harry nods his head.

"So you looking forward to your birthday tomorrow?" I asked

"I guess." Harry said

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