Chapter 38

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Previously on The Twice Blessed Child

Mad-Eye comes up to us.

"Bartimus! Not trying to lure Potter or Anastasia into one of the Ministry's summer internships, are we? The last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out!" Mad-Eye said

"Haven't you heard Mad-Eye. Barty here no longer works for the Ministry. Thanks to Rita's article about the First Task the Minister fired him. And soon his name will be ruined as well. So I suggest Barty that you leave as you don't have any reason for being here." I said

Barty goes to say something but the Minister walks up to us.

"Ah Anastasia and Mr. Potter you guys are just full of surprises." the Minister said

"Minister Fudge, it's good to see you," Barty said

Minister turns and looks at Barty.

"Barty why am I not surprised. Have you not learned. You were fired because you were harassing Miss. Anastasia and Mr. Potter. Now here you are again somewhere you are not welcomed or needed. If I see you around these two again you will find yourself in a very bad situation." the Minister said

He waves his hand and a group of aurous come over and escort Barty away and hopefully off Hogwarts grounds. We talked with the Minister a little while longer before we left to headed back up to the castle.


We were sitting in the champion rooms when we heard the news that someone had found Barty Crouch's dead body in the Forbidden Forest.

"I wonder what the headmaster and they are talking about?" Harry asked

"Want to find out?" I asked

"Totally," Harry said

I grab Harry's hand and send the mist out to where the teachers were.

"A man has died here. And he won't be the last, you must take action." Dumbledore said

"I will not. In times like these, the wizarding world looks to its leaders for strength Dumbledore." Fudge said

"Then for once show them some," Dumbledore said

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament will not be canceled. I will not be seen as a coward." Fudge said

"But surely that is what's right, no matter what others think," Dumbledore said

"What did you say? What did you say to me?" Fudge asked

The room is quiet for a moment. Fudge gets up and leaves the room. We watch Dumbledore get up and walks over to a compartment in the wall it opens, there's a glowing blue pool of water there. He looks in. I send the mist into the pool of water.

We are in what looks to be the past. A man is sitting next to younger-looking Dumbledore. We watch as a cage is raised from inside the floor. We see Barty in what looks like a high seat.

"Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request to present evidence to this counsel. Should your testimony prove consequential? Counsel may be prepared to order your immediate release. Until such time you remain in the eyes of the ministry a convicted Death Eater. Do you accept these terms.?" Barty asked

"I do sir," Igor said

"What do you wish to present?" Barty asked

"I have names, sir. There was a Rosier, Evan Rosier." Igor said

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