Chapter 11

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Previously on The Twice Blessed Child...

"Now. Let's go home." I said

"Mister Potter you go with Dasher and Mistress Anastasia. Mister Dudley will come with Mistress Petunia and me." Quinn said

Harry and I took Dasher's hands, while Dudley and Petunia grab ahold of Quinn's. With pop we disappeared and reappeared inside of the house.

"Well make yourself at home." I said

There were a few more pops and the rest of the elves appeared.

"Welcome home Mistress Anastasia." the elves said

"Now then, I have to go to a Summer camp so I will be leaving Mister Harry and Dudley in your hands. I also want to thank you for taking care of Miss Petunia." I said

"It was no problem." Tikki said

"Harry and Dudley I would like you to meet the house elves. Elves will you please introduce yourselves." I said

"I'm Tikki"

"I'm Jon"

"I'm Dasher"

"I'm Libby."

"I'm Tobby."

"I'm Quin and Miss Petunia's personal elf. If that is okay with you Mistress Anastasia."

"Of course Quinn, as long as it okay with Petunia." I said

"It is okay with me." Petunia said

"Yay." Quin said

She started to jump up and down.

"Tikki will be taking things to your rooms." Tikki said

"Jon has made lunch, if you would follow me." Jon said

We all followed after Jon into the dining room.

"Who's house is this and where are we?" Dudley asked

"When we went to Gringotts, I found out that I had a godparent and he left me this house when he died. We are somewhere in London." I said

The boys nodded their heads.

One Week Later...

I was packing my bag to leave for camp, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said

The door open and Harry walks in.

"There are still a few things that I don't understand." Harry said

"Okay what don't you understand?" I asked

"Why were you there that night?" Harry asked

"Your mother was one of my godmothers." I said

"So why did you end up at the Dursley's and not with your other godmother or even you godfathers?" Harry asked

"As you know one my godfathers is dead. Now both my other godparetns are of greek orgins." I said

"Okay, that makes since. I wish I could come with you." Harry said

"Why?" I asked

"I just don't want to spend the entire summer with Dudley." Harry said

"Then don't. Go visit the towns that are around here. Explore the house see if you can find anything interesting. Ask one of the house elves to take you to visit Ron, or to Diagon Alley. And you can send me an owl whenever you want, maybe the elves can teach you how to fire call." I said

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