Chapter 22

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Previously On The Twice Blessed Child...

We continued to talk until the others got back. Harry and Dudley got back first. The first thing any of them did was hand me The Daily Prophet. Front page was how the entire ministry was now looking for Peter Pettigrew. Then right under it was the article that Rita had wrote about Sirius. I handed it over to Sirius.

"How did you get it?" I asked

"Arthur Weasley gave it to me when he saw us. He wanted to know how I was doing. I told him that I had no clue the Ministry was looking for Peter. He then asked about Sirius and I told him what you told us to tell anyone that asked. That he was recovering." Harry said

"Did they say anything to you Dudley?" I asked

"No not really. I glad for that thought, due to the fact that I probably would have messed up." Dudley said

"No you wouldn't have. Don't think so little of yourself." I said

The rest of the days leading up to September 1st were boring. We all talked and got to know each other better. Even Petunia joined in and told us things we hadn't known about her.

We meet the Weasley's at Platform 9 3/4. We see them on the platform and we make our way towards them. We say our Hello's and our Goodbyes. Us kids quickly get on the train, and find an empty train card. Once we are in the train car we can hear Mrs. Weasley outside yelling for Ron. We all look out the window and see her Mrs. Weasley pushing her way through the throng of people and up to our open window.

"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley yelled

She hands over Scabbers through the open window to Ron.

Ron takes Scabbers but is not happy about it. I glare at the rat. I never liked him he always gave me this horrible feeling. We make our way down the aisles of the train looking for an empty compartment. We talked about how all of our summers went. We all hear a noise, we turn to see a copy of The Monster Book of Monsters coming down the aisle being pursued by Neville.

"Hi, guys." Neville said

"Would you like some help?" I asked

"No I think I got it." Neville said

We all shake our heads, and continue down the aisle. We found a somewhat empty compartment. He had a man in shabby robes slumped against the window asleep. He looks ill, and exhausted. We all eye him warily.

"Who d'you recon he is?" Ron whispered

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione whisper back

"You know everything. How is it she knows everything?" Ron asked in a whisper

"Ron it's on his case." Dudley said

He then pints at a case. Stamped in peeling letters on a battered case is Professor R.J. Lupin.

"Is he really asleep?" Harry asked

"I don't know why don't you go over there and poke him and ask him if he is awake." I said

Dudley, and Ron laughed while Harry and Hermione just look at me.

"He seems to be. Why? What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked

"Close the door." Harry said

"You didn't answer the question Harry." I said

He just looks at me. Hermione, Ron, Dudley and I exchange curious glances, Ron rises and slide the door shut. He sits back down, he and Hermione and look at us then back to each other.

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