Chapter 34

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Previously on The Twice Blessed Child...

"So now your house is going to turn on you," I said

The magic and the feeling in the common room changed. The common room was no longer bright and warm. The fire in the fireplace died out, and the room turned cold. The Gryffindor crest on all their robes vanished, their ties became white. We all heard the Fat Lady let a scream as the portrait door swung open. We all heard crashing come from upstairs as doors were thrown open. There was a pop, and a very old looking house elf now stood in front of me facing the group of students.

"Good evening students. You are no longer welcome in the Gryffindor Tower. As we speak your belongings are being removed from your rooms and are being moved to your new living space. The Gryffindor house will not be a thing till next year when the new first years come back. And then only the first years and those the Head of House says can enter. When I say Head of House I don't mean McGonagall. Now I suggest you start to leave before the castle throws you out of these rooms." the elf said

Then with a pop, the elf was gone. I grabbed Dudley's hand and pulled him out of the common room. Now there is a group of students standing outside of the doorway.

"You all might want to move," I said

They look at each other and move out of the way. Then students started to get thrown out of the common room, others left willing. Soon everyone was out of Gryffindor Tower. The portrait slams shut and the portrait of the Fat Lady is gone.

"It's gone." someone said

All of the Gryffindors looked at where the Fat Lady once was. A moment passes before I see most of the teachers pushing their way through the group of students. They got to the front of the group and gaped at the wall.

"What in Merlin's name happened?" McGonagall asked

"Which time? The time that a group of students destroyed or stole all of Harry's things. Or how Gryffindor Tower kicked everybody out?" I asked

All of the teachers turned and looked at me.


"Harry and I got back, we both walked into the common I thought that something was different but I made it to my room. I wasn't in there for more than a moment then a got a feeling that Harry needed me. I left my room and quickly made my way to Harry's. I found him looking at his torn up bed, his clothes ripped and burnt, and the photo album of his parents was shredded. I called a Hogwarts house-elf to take him to the champion rooms. Then I walked downstairs gave the kids in the common room a good talking to." I said

The teachers continued to look at me.

"Why don't we ask the Gryffindor House's head elf," I said


The older looking elf from before is now standing in front of the teachers.

"Godric Gryffindor founded this house with certain standards. The people in his Hogwarts house should have ALL of the following: bravery, nerve, chivalry, daring, and above all loyalty. And they all have proved time and time again none of you have any of those traits. None of them were brave enough to stand by one of their own in his second year. None of them had the courage, none of them were daring, none showed chivalry. Instead, they turned their backs on a member of their house. So their house turned on them and kicked them out. They are no longer welcome in Gryffindor. Their belongings have been moved to their new rooms. For the rest of the year Gryffindor won't exist. Next year the first years can be sorted into the house, and some former Gryffindors can only if they prove themselves to Lady Hogwarts. McGonagall you knew how they acted and you didn't do anything. You will be lucky if you are made Head of House next year." the elf said

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