Chapter Thirty-Two

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Okay, so I don't really know the timeline for this movie. Like when the other schools arrive, to when the goblet picks the names. So don't get mad at me if it's off. Just roll with it. Much love your author.

Previously on The Twice Blessed Child

"Tikki," I said

There was a pop.

"Wake these two up. By any means." I said

"Of course Mistress," Tikki said

I turn and leave the room and head down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I wasn't at the table for longer than five minutes before there were two screams from upstairs. I heard noise and then the sound of people coming downstairs. Sirius and Remus enter the kitchen, both of them now have pink skin and neon green hair. They are also wearing what the other went to bed in. They both looked at me.

"Don't look at me. I tried to wake you up for over thirty minutes. I gave up and called for Tikki. You'll have to ask her to fix it or you won't be able to take us to the express." I said

They sat down and ate breakfast. Once they were done they went looking for Tikki so she could fix them. It took them a good twenty minutes to talk Tikki into fixing them. Once they were back to the their normal looking selves we left the house to head to the train station.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dudley, and I are seated in our compartment on the train. A voice calls out.

"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley?"

The lady walks up to the door.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" the lady asked

"Packet of drebals and a licorice wand," Ron said

"I'll take a pack of sugar quills," I said

Ron pulls out a bag and looks into it and sees that he doesn't have enough money.

"I got it, Ron," I said

"Thanks, Ana," Ron said

I got up to get the candies from the lady. She left and I sat back down. Once she was gone we went back to talking about what had happened at the World Cup.

"This is horrible, how can the ministry not know who conjured it. Isn't there any security or?" Hermione asked

"Loads according to Dad, that's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses." Ron said

I notice Harry rubbing his scar.

"It's hurting again?" I asked

"I'm fine," Harry said

"You know we are all here for you right?" Hermione asked

"Yes, I know," Harry said

Once we all arrive at the school I notice a few different things. Like a runway. I was about to ask when everyone sees four flying horses flying through the air pulling a carriage coming in to land on the new runway. Everyone starts to cheer, Hagrid walks up behind us.

"Clear the runway," Hagrid said

"Well, there's something you don't see every day," Harry said

A noise comes from behind us, from the Black Lake. Everyone turns to see a large ship emerge from under the water and approaches too.

We were all ushered to the Great Hall where we took a seat. Dumbledore stands up to make his yearly announcement.

"I wonder what life-threating thing is going to happen this year?" I asked

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